💜 Feelings And What Not

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"He's avoiding me! I know he is! Hyung, please help me."

Yes, Jungkook is being a crybaby again. Just because his favorite hyung won't play with him anymore. Jimin could only rolled his eyes heavenwards for his two dongsaengs.

Why can't Taehyung be more honest to Kookie with his feelings? Look at the kid, he's freaking crying for his sake.


"Are you gonna ignore me, too, hyung? Like Taehyung-hyung?"

Aish. Jimin sighed out loud praying that someone, anyone, would walk into the room to take Jungkook away. Jimin doesn't know what to do with the two maknaes anymore. Constantly, Taehyung would whine his ass to Jimin about his feelings for the younger. Then if not Taehyung, Jungkook.

Only difference is Taehyung knows that he feels something for Jungkook but Jungkook doesn't realize his feelings for Taehyung, yet. Jimin thought.


Jimin sighed in relief and whispered to Jungkook to follow Taehyung until the older notices him, since Jungkook just saw Taehyung pass by Jimin's open-door room. Jungkook immediately got to his feet and followed Taehyung.

Jimin said, "Good luck~" in a singsong tone which made the two people outside confused, shut the door and locking it afterwards. Asshole, that's my room, too. Taehyung thought. He turned his attention to the cute boy in front of him and had his face seem expressionless. Act natural, act natural, act natur- Damnit Kookie.

"Hyung..." Jungkook called out to the older, puppy eyed sparkling with crystal tears threatening to fall. Oh, shit.

"Kookie. I was just um-"

"Hyung, please don't ignore me anymore. Please. I miss you. I miss us."

There was never an us, Kookie. Taehyung wanted to speak, How I wish there was. He wanted to add if ever he spoke. But he can't. Because he doesn't know if Jungkook likes him back.

Or at least, he never told him verbally.

"Kookie, I-"

And at that moment, he saw his world crumble down upon him as he witnessed Jungkook cry. "H-Hyung..."

"No, no, no. Kookie don't cry, don't cry."

Taehyung tried to reach Jungkook's face and wipe all the tears, all the pain away but Jungkook suddenly ran, hitting Namjoon on the way to their shared bedroom.

Namjoon raises an eyebrow at Taehyung but the younger of the two could only sigh. "I screwed up bad, hyung. I- You know I love Jungkook more than anyone else in the world. It's just that I'm scared... of losing him." he looks at the closed door of Namjoon and Jungkook's bedroom. Wanting to burst inside and hug his Kookie and say sorry for every time he ignored him.

"I can sense that he loves you, too, V. He just doesn't realize that."

That's what I've been trying to tell you, you ungrateful little ass! Namjoon and Taehyung hears Jimin's muffled yell inside his room. Taehyung sighs, "I don't think Jimin could take any more of my complaining. Hyung, please help me."

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