💙 First Snow

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Requested by: @taekookiezzz
Genre: Angst (with a happy ending)

Guys I keep on getting angst request stob it I'm dying. Not enough angst here or idk. And I did not make anyone cheat because that would be painful for Taekook I can't imagine TT they just broke up and got back together, basically :/


It was the first snow when Taehyung and Jungkook confessed to each other. A year later, it was the first snow when Taehyung asked Jungkook to be his. Two years later, it was still the first snow when they broke up because Jungkook was tired. He left Taehyung right after the first snow fell and Taehyung just stood there, unable to move because he knew why Jungkook was tired.

In the two years of being together, albeit a short period of time, Taehyung somehow fell out of love and Jungkook realize this even before he did. Jungkook doesn't leave because he loved Taehyung so much and wanted to give them another chance. But as time grew, Taehyung only became more distant to the point that it's hurting Jungkook because where was the love that they shared? Was Taehyung only in love with the memories?

When Jungkook left, Taehyung felt nothing. No pain, no happiness, just plain nothing. He saw Jungkook walk farther away from him that Christmas but he can't bring himself to run after him, say sorry and say I love you even if it's been a long time since he meant it. He stayed with Jungkook even after the realization of falling out of love because he knew Jungkook loves him so much and did not have the heart to break Jungkook's. He may not have loved him anymore, but he still cared for him.

Now, three years after their breakup: happy smiles and loving memories are all in the distant past now. Taehyung graduated college within these years and becomes a moderately successful engineer. Moving out of his and Jungkook's shared apartment, he bought himself a condominium near the busiest district of Seoul because it's where his office and management is located. He busied himself so he won't remember the painful thing he had done to Jungkook. It still haunts him how heartless he could be sometimes.

But most of the time, he wonders where Jungkook is, what was he doing, did he graduate from his chosen course? Did he move on already? Taehyung already knows he did and there's a slight pang in his chest when he thinks of Jungkook out there, with someone else giving him the happiness Taehyung could not give. And then he wakes up one morning with tears spilling his eyes because he just had a dream: a dream where Jungkook was there and where they loved each other. It wasn't a dream, though. It was a memory that had come up from where Taehyung stored at the back of his mind.

His enormous condominium unit suddenly felt larger as loneliness creeps up from the very back of his emotions. It's been like this for the past few days and it's driving him crazy, yearning for someone's presence. Someone who had been gone a long time ago. The sense of love he thought he had lost suddenly came rushing back to his heart and it silently screams Jungkook's name. Is it possible for someone to fall all over again? Maybe love never left and he was just blinded of the fact he kept on believing that he fell out of love. Maybe he hadn't fallen out of it in the first place.

The world is full of maybes and what ifs and I wish's. Maybe Taehyung still loves Jungkook. What if Jungkook will come back? Taehyung wishes he does, but all those hopes come crashing down when he realizes he's already three years too late. He should've ran after Jungkook, he should've fought for their love and he should've made Jungkook stay. Three years too late.

It was December 24th and tonight will be Christmas Eve which means he'll have to spend Christmas alone again. It's how he's been spending every Christmas since Jungkook left. Wallowing by himself and staying completely shut from the festivities of the outside world. He couldn't go home to Daegu due to his work being demanding. Even holidays he has to be present, who knows when his boss will call him up again. His phone rings, expecting it to be his boss because right now, he just wants to keep himself busy, but it was Hoseok. Ah, Hoseok always invites Taehyung to his and Yoongi's house for Christmas which Taehyung always declines. He didn't want to ruin Hoseok and Yoongi's Christmas together as a couple.

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