💙 Farewell, Love

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Requested by _pnkskjn
Genre/AU: Angst + Peter Pan!au

save me im terrible at angst


This is the fifth time Taehyung had visited the neighborhood this week. It was snowing, although Christmas was over and it's almost time for spring. The cold winter air was still present and Taehyung wondered when will the the spring fairies lift up the winter season.

And there Taehyung lands on a small balcony, t'was still four in the morning, too early for anyone to be up, but if anyone could be someone then it will definitely be Jeongguk.

Jeongguk, who was he?

He was only a man around his mid-20s.

He was only a lost boy that grew up.

He was only Taehyung's first love.

Taehyung recalls, he used to be Jeongguk's older friend. But now, Jeongguk grew up. Taehyung remained the 12-year-old boy he is.

"Ggukie, you know that second star to the right?" Taehyung points to the brightest star on the right. Twinkling so bright that it reminded Jeongguk of home, twinkling so bright that he wanted to come back home.

Jeongguk's eyes never left the stars, if he did, he would see Taehyung's loving gaze upon his dongsaeng. Oh, how Taehyung cherished the younger so, but Jeongguk seemed to never notice. "Yes, hyung. Peter said that all lost boys come from there. It is where we were born."

They sat in their tree in silence. Beautiful silence. Soft lullabies carried by the wind were lulling them to sleep. It was only fair Neverland where they lived. Where mermaids and pirates and fairies exist.

"Do you think we could go back there?" Jeongguk asks, dreams forever reaching the stars. Taehyung was afraid, what if Jeongguk wanted to leave? What if Jeongguk wanted to grow up?

There wouldn't be a word such as forever, then.

"But, Ggukie, don't you want to be a lost boy forever?" Taehyung questions, his hand grasping the younger's in a gentle way. "Don't you want to be with me forever?"

Tears were threatening to spill in the thought of Jeongguk leaving him. Taehyung did love Jeongguk ever so dearly. Maybe more than a friend, maybe more than a brother.

Jeongguk was only 10 when he decided to leave Neverland. And that was when Taehyung knew he lost his love forever.


"J-Jeongguk, I– I wasn't expecting you to be up so early! I– " Taehyung was interrupted by a giggle, oh how he missed Jeongguk's smile and giggles and laughs. It had been awhile. "You're still as talkative as I remember, hyung."

"Maybe I should be the one to call you that," Taehyung's tone was angry but soft, "seeing you're all grown up now." Taehyung  had examined Jungkook from head to toe, he did grow a lot since the day he left Neverland. "You've changed, Jeongguk."

That's what happens when you do.

"I'm still the same, Taehyung." Jeongguk smiles, some wrinkles forming at the side of his eyes. "I still love adventure, and swordfights, and daggers and such," Jeongguk's expression turned mischievious into mild. "But, I think raising my family is more important than that."

"I know your kids, they look just like you." This bittersweet compliment rolled of Taehyung's lips smoothly, but it would be a lie if it didn't burn his tongue. It hurt him to see Jeongguk had loved another man and not he.

If Jeongguk asked, maybe he would've flown out of Neverland with him.

"Jeongguk, can I tell you something?" Taehyung's heart is breaking, his cold hands cupped the other's warm ones. He was used to the cold now, as his feelings were turned after Jeongguk never said goodbye. "I never told you that I loved you."

"Then, maybe if you'd told me, I shouldn't have left."

"Then, maybe if you'd told me you wanted to leave, I could've left with you."

"I never told you that I loved you, too."

An hour had already passed, the clock struck five and that was the calling for Taehyung to leave. His way back home would disappear and he would have to be stuck here with Jeongguk. As much as he wants to he can't.

"This is my permanent goodbye, Jeongguk." Taehyung's hands slowly slip away from Jeongguk, the now older one regretted why he even let if go in the first place. "Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." Jeongguk had tears in his eyes, falling down on his cheeks silently not to wake anyone. Jeongguk's hand had reached out to Taehyung's, as if afraid to let him go for the second time.

Taehyung admired how beautiful Jeongguk looked still, even when his eyes have lost its sparkle.  "You're leaving me." Jeongguk sobs, his heart breaking into pieces.

"As you've left me." Taehyung smiles weakly and places his lips on a feather-like touch on Jeongguk's knuckles caressing it ever so lightly. "If you ever need me again, know that I'll be in the brightest, second star to the right. That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."

Taehyung hovers over the ground, finally slipping away from Jeongguk's hold, he's used to the cold, but why does he feel so empty?

"I'll see you when the stars touch the sky. Farewell, love."


i dont want to do angst ever again /sobs/

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