💜 His Kookie

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Everywhere, circumnavigating the globe, the Golden Maknae of BTS has received many praises from fans and sunbaenims alike. Jeon Jungkook has grown since I Need U era and has shown a more mature side, leaving his fetus self in the past.

Taehyung felt truth hit him hard since his little Kookie wasn't so little anymore. He had grown to be a fine, young man that he, the hyungs and the ARMYs can be proud of. He liked this kind of Jungkook, sexy and alluring. But mostly, he wanted his little fetus bunny back.

He stared into his phone full of selcas with his favorite dongsaeng. Taehyung scrolled up, leading back to the time when they were still in predebut era. He smiled recalling memories one by one of those pictures, Jungkook looked so cute back then, he thought. Then again, Jungkook is always cute.

Time really can change anything. It may change Jungkook's appearance, style, maturity but it will never change the feeling Taehyung has for the younger. Because he will always see Jungkook as a little bunny who runs to him whenever he hurt himself trying to perfect a dance move or looks for him whenever he wanted someone to talk to or be with him every second of every day.

Because in his eyes Jungkook is still his Kookie.

"Hyung? Are you okay? You're crying."

"Nothing, I just miss my Kookie."

"We were together the whole day, hyung. Tell me what's wrong. Please?"

"People already see you as a mature adult, not a fetus bunny anymore. And I miss that, Jungkook. The cute side of you. I like the you now, I just miss the times that I had the obligation to take care of you. Now you take care of yourself, I'm guessing you don't need me like before now. But you should know that no matter how mature you'll become, you're still the Kookie I grew to love. I love you, Kookie."

Jungkook chuckled and held Taehyung's hand tighter, "I love you, hyung. I'll still be your Kookie no matter what."


because i miss fetus kookie.

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