💙 If I Lost You

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Requested by Jiggyjeongne
Genre: Fluff Angst + Mpreg


Jungkook's cries softly in his bathroom, not wanting to disturb his neighbors only separated by the thin walls of his dorm. In his hand, he holds a pregnancy stick, the item marked with two red lines, indicating that the one who took the test is pregnant.

Yes, Jungkook is pregnant. He knows he is fertile and has the possibility of being able to bear a child but he was careless. Jungkook regrets ever going to that party, regrets getting drunk and regrets letting Taehyung touch him in sinful ways he shouldn't have let Taehyung did.

The 18-year-old's hand is clamped over his mouth, he wanted to scream, he wanted to rip this thing out of his stomach, he wanted to kill himself. Jungoook feels like he had sinned enough to end his life. It was an accident that he could've easily prevented when he was sober.

Everything he ever hoped for, he worked for, all destroyed because of it. What will his friends think of him now? His classmates? Jungkook will have to drop out of college to take care of it.

What will his parents think of him? This thing had ruined what he had planned for his future.

And then he realizes, he shouldn't think like this, it is his doing. He shouldn't blame the child for what is about to come. This was his fault, everything was. Jungkook could have prevented this from happening but he let it happen.

He destroyed his own dreams.


"Taehyung." Jungkook tries his hardest not to stutter, out of all the people in this campus that could have impregnanted him, it had to be the fucking bad boy of the university. Everyone had been head of heels in love with this heartbreaker, however, he only picks those who he thinks can satisfy his needs. Jungkook was unlucky to be one of them.

"Hey, babe." Taehyung greets Jungkook, lust clearly clouds his eyes as he checks out Jungkook from head to toe. Taehyung's arm snakes around Jungkook's waist, bringing their bodies closer together and Jungkook's cheeks heat up at the action. "Up for a quickie?" Taehyung licks his lips as his hot breath lingers on Jungkook's neck.

"A-Actually..." Jungkook stutters, looking away from Taehyung's gaze. "I have to t-tell you something."

"Mm, sure babe. What is it?"

Jungkook lets out a gasp, Taehyung's hand squeezes his ass while continuing to trace the younger's neck with his lips. It wasn't helping right now, they were in the corner of the cafeteria, some of the passing students had given Jungkook a glare because why the fuck would Taehyung pick him over them? Jungkook was almost a nobody, he was only known to excel in academics.

"I'm– I'm pregnant."

"Hm, good one."

"Taehyung, please, I'm serious."

Taehyung hears the desperate tone in Jungkook's voice. He detaches himself from Jungkook, staring at the sophomore in disbelief, "The father could be anyone."

Wow, horny to cold in a snap. Jungkook bites his lip and looks down, he is playing with his fingers, not really wanting to look at Taehyung's gaze. He can feel the pressure in the air getting thicker. "Y-You were the only one to– to use me."

Taehyung could not believe his ears. As much as he doesn't like it, guilt was eating him up in the insides when he sees Jungkook's tears drop to the ground. And he does the most reasonable option in his mind; he leaves the cafeteria with a loud slam of the door.

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