💙 Rather Than You

11.7K 411 33

Requested by: Megan (-chaewonho)
Genre: Fluff, slight-angst, MPreg


Mornings like this aren't a surprise for Jungkook anymore, waking up without Taehyung by his side, eating breakfast alone, and spends the day doing absolutely nothing. Jungkook thinks Taehyung loves his work more than him now.

"Baby, your dad is neglecting me again." Jungkook caresses his baby bump as a pout forms on his lips. It wasn't usually like this. Not long ago, Taehyung would wake up beside Jungkook with a smile and cuddle with him until they got hungry and they both prepare breakfast and eat it together. Their day passes by with the two of them cuddling some more, maybe even sharing a few kisses here and there, and basically just feeling each other's presence.

Time changes things.

"Ever since his boss got him that stupid promotion." Jungkook plops down the couch while angrily chomping down on his popcorn while he hastily search for the remote. He got so indulged in his binge-watching when someone knocks on their door. "It's open!" He yells softly, but enough for the person outside to hear.

It was their driver, the man in his late 40s bow and Jungkook acknowledges his presence. "Jungkook-ssi, Taehyung-ssi asked me to accompany me to your checkup today."

Jungkook smiles forcefully trying to look cheerful, "Thank you, ahjussi, but I'm not going today."

"But he specifically said that you have an appointment with your OB-GYN at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"I said, I'm not going. Contact him of you must, I still won't go." Jungkook rolls his eyes after their driver shut the front door. Now, he won't even take me to checkups? He scoffs, as he continues to munch on popcorn while watching the drama on tv.


"Sir, Jungkook-ssi doesn't want go to his appointed checkup today."

"What's with him again?" Taehyung pushes his hair back and sighs heavily. First, it was a hectic day at the office as they were due to submitting some papers today, now Jungkook's being dramatic about things? He isn't making Taehyung's tight situation any better. "It's okay, ahjussi, I'll take him there. Thank you."

"Yes, sir."

Taehyung decides he will take Jungkook to the doctor's and maybe talk about Jungkook's attitude these past few days. Usually, Jungkook would greet him with welcome home kisses and eat dinner with him. Now, it's like Jungkook doesn't acknowledge Taehyung's presence every evening after work and Taehyung would have to eat dinner alone with no one bugging him how was his day at the office or has he eaten lunch or wife-stuff like that.

It was his stress-reliever at the end of the day: Jungkook singing him soft songs and them talking about how they would raise Taegeuk in the near future. Jungkook showering him with sweet kisses and just cuddling until they fell asleep.

And just to point it out there, he misses Jungkook so damn much but his work requires full concentration and it wasn't a help that Jungkook is just too pretty which can cause him distractions.


"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks sternly when he comes down from the stairs, already dressed up for his monthly checkup. He's mad at Taehyung, but he almost couldn't resist peppering his husband with kisses since he looked damn fine in that suit.

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