Chapter 4: Second Date

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5 years ago - the second date.

"Lilac. Dishes," my dads strong voice echoed up the stairs.

I was quick to stand up at the signal that my parents were done eating and I needed to clean now.

I walked down the stairs, silently hoping that there would be some food left on their plates. Lunch smelt really good today.

But as I entered the kitchen and saw the plates empty, I held back a frown.

"Now. Not tomorrow," my dad ordered.

I quickly started collecting the dishes. My mom stepped outside for a cigarette, and my dad opened the fridge to grab a beer.

I tried to start a conversation, "So, how was work-"

"Didn't ask you to talk," he cut me off before opening his beer.

I paused collecting the dishes for a moment, trying to hide my sadness.

I took a deep breath. I balanced the plates on one hand, and the glasses in my other.

I started walking towards the sink to wash them, when my foot caught the table, making me stumble.

I managed to regain my balance, but not without the top plate sliding off and hitting the ground.


"I'm so sorry dad, I didn't-"

Before I could finish speaking, I was thrown into the wall behind me. My dad held his hands against my chest to keep me there as he yelled, "Are you fucking stupid?!"

"I'm so sorry," I shook. "I'll clean it."

"Does anything go on in your fucking brain?" his face was red and his upper lip curled.

I remained quiet, and watched as his head turned toward the broken plate.

He removed his hands from my chest, and I let out a deep breath.

"Thank you," I said for not hitting me. "It won't happen again-"

A yell came from my throat as he pressed one of the broken pieces from the plate against my neck.

"Dad?" my eyes were wide.

He inched closer to my face, "You are a fucking dissapointment, Lilac."

I moved my eyes only, unable to move my head without cutting my neck, toward my mom. She was looking through the window at what was happening.

She inhaled her cigarette. And then looked away.

My hands held onto my dads wrists as I moved my eyes back to look at his evil blue ones.

"Go to the fucking store and get a new one. With your money," he ordered.

He removed the piece from my neck. I watched him carefully as he tossed it onto the floor, grabbing his beer off of the table before walking to the living room.

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