Chapter 14

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"Leah." I sighed at her as she looked at me. She doesn't look me in the eyes. I know that she is embarrassed, I don't ever want her to feel that way around me so I do the one thing I can think of and I grab her chin, forcing her to look me in my eyes. I want her to know that she is supported.

"Leah, I don't know what is going on with you and Mike, but I am going to be honest, I don't like the way you look scared when he is around or even when he's only on the phone." I don't give her a chance to look away as I keep holding her chin. I can see that it is making it hard for her to hide the way she feels, I can see it on her face. Exhaling, I continue. "Leah, I know something is going on, but I understand you don't want to talk about it. I want you to know that when you are ready to talk to someone, my door is open. I want you to talk to me about it, I can help, whatever it is. I have money if that is what you need and I know people that can help. Whatever it is, when you are ready, I will do everything I can to help."

I can see the pain in her eyes, she is hurting and there is nothing I can do about it right now when all I want to do is make her smile.

"Mr Caldwell, I appreciate your concern and your offer, but there are people out there who deserve to have your help, I, however, am not one of them." I watch her as she stands up and straightens her clothes down then walks over to the mirror fixing her makeup before opening the door and leaving my office, quietly closing the solid wood behind her.

I sit in the one spot, gobsmacked. What does she mean by 'she doesn't deserve my help?' Why would she think that? She is one of the kindest-hearted people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I am man enough to acknowledge that I have developed some kind of feelings for her, what they are I am not too sure. I want to protect her, I want to help her, I want to save her. I have never had these feelings before, not even for Marisha, who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

I have made it clear to her that she can come to me when she is ready for help, whatever kind of help it happens to be. The thought of her needing help in the first place makes me feel stabbing pains through my heart and I can't stop the few tears that seem to escape down one cheek.

Pulling my emotions back into check, I walk out the door pretending like I wasn't just sitting on the floor crying over a woman who doesn't want me but I just can't seem to let go.

Clearing my throat, "Ah, Maria. Can I talk to you for a minute? Um, in my office please." Holding the door open for Maria as she walks through, I gently close it behind her and signal to the couch. I don't know what I am going to say but I need to talk to someone and Maria is like a mother to me, she can give me advice.

But before I get to even sit down she speaks up. "Damien. I know you want to help her, but she isn't ready for it. Give her time... Please." The tone in Maria's voice makes me think she knows more than she is saying but I don't press her for any information. All I can do is sit and stare at this woman, my mind racing on what could actually be happening in Leah's life and how much worse I have just made it for her.

"I... I don't know much. I've picked up on stuff, and seen some things. She has mentioned a couple of things but I swore I wouldn't say anything and I intend to keep that promise. I want to help her too, but we have to wait. Okay?"

I start shaking my head, "I think I fucked up, Maria. Well no, I know that I have fucked up really bad." Maria quickly turns her head to face me and I look her in the eyes. The eye contact so powerful I nearly fall off the side of the couch. "I think I have put her in an even more dangerous situation and I don't think I can fix it." Maria reaches over, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tight.

"We will help her with whatever is going on. We just need to let her tell us in her own time. Listen, son. We will keep watch over her, and start taking note of anything odd. Eventually, she will be ready and we will be waiting, okay?" She slides her palm down my cheek. The touch is gentle and sweet. "But for now, we better get back to work, we have a pitch in 2 hours and we need you to put your game face on."

Nodding at her, I know what she is saying is right, but I am struggling to just push Leah to the back of my mind. I can't. This woman is always on my mind lately and I have no idea how to stop it and now it is even worse, knowing something is going on with Mike is making me feel angry. Angry and useless.

Sitting at the huge table on the opposite side of the potential clients, I am still thinking about Leah. Thinking about what I heard and even worse, what I didn't. She isn't off her game though. The clients love her and it's easy to understand why. She has this way of making everyone feel important. From the CEO down to the person running the mail, everyone is exactly the same. She doesn't deserve whatever is happening behind the scenes. I'm brought from my thoughts by everyone at the table standing up and shaking hands. I get a pang of jealousy as I watch Leah as she talks to the CEO and our high-profile potential client, John Kowalski. She gives him a sweet smile and starts waving him off as he walks over to me, extending his hand towards mine.

"Pleasure as always, Damien." I take his hand in mine and we shake. I watch him as he turns, looking back at Leah, passion flooding his eyes before he looks back at me and I know instantly what he is thinking about and I can't stop the scowl I give him. Throwing his hands up in surrender. "Sorry man didn't know she was taken already. Stepping back."

"No, it's ok. She isn't mine, she is just my PA." I reply, nodding as I try to convince myself of what I'm saying. John laughs, "Alright man, Maybe your brain should tell the rest of your body then." It is then that I realise I have curled my palms into fists and standing tall, ready for a fight and everyone is looking at me. God... This can't get any worse.

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