Chapter 16: we're saved, we have rocks

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Chloe Whitlock

I walk outside to get some air. I was sitting in the living room with Dane, and Morgan and Kellan, watching some early 2000s teen movie. Morgan and I decided on it but the boys now seem to be more into it than us. Dane and I were cuddling, he was being all lovey which normally I'd be thrilled about but recently I've been dwelling on the fact that it's not real more than usual. It's only for show because Morgan and Kellan are sitting next to us. After what I told Morgan I can't help but feel stupid. I started getting worked up, feeling uneasy about the whole thing so I got up to breathe.

Stepping outside with the sole purpose to breathe, I'm met with the thick smoke of Victorias cigarette. She stands leaning on the siding of my house, away from the front door lights. It's only 2:15pm but given it's an insanely rainy day and the thick clouds are covering the sun it's practically nighttime.

"What's wrong?" She continues looking out at nothing.

I lean against the siding next to her letting the brisk faint wind brush over me. "Nothing."

"Oh c'mon Whitlock." She holds out her cigarette to me. "Is it Dane?"

I take hold of the cigarette bringing it to my lips. "Mhmm." I mumble as I take a drag, feeling the light smoke flowing into my lungs.

"What'd he do?"

I exhale, staring at the cloud of smoke materializing in front of me. "He didn't do anything. I'm just in my head." I pass the cigarette back to her.

"Right, I'm sure." She says.

"I'm glad you actually spoke to Morgan yesterday." I say truthfully but also wanting to change the topic of conversation.

"I was high and bored." She deeply inhales, I see the tip of the cigarette glowing brightly in the dim lighting.

"Right. I'm sure." I tease.

A couple of minutes later I walked back inside, with every intention of sitting back down with Dane but then I walked in and saw him. Then I looked over at Kellan and Morgan. Kellan's arm around her, her head lightly resting on his shoulder, her laughing at how invested he is in this movie.

I've grown to really like Morgan, love her even. She's probably my closest friend and we've only known each other for about a month and a half. I'm beyond happy for her. Kellan can definitely get on my nerves but I love him and I want him to be happy as well and that's what they look like- happy. Genuinely, happy. Not faking it, lying to each other by playing pretend.

I'm happy for them but I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Why can't Dane and I be like that? I walk over to my fridge to get some water.

At my island counter I lean on it, staring at the grains in my marble countertop as I take sips of the water for a few minutes. The front door flies open, startling me. Victoria's boots, the intensity of her footsteps sets off alarms in my head. Victoria's usually sauntering around, not really in a rush, hurrying to get anywhere so if she's walking fast, you should be running.

She storms into the kitchen, drops of blood dripping from her blood soaked chin. She holds out an old flip phone to me. I feel my brows draw together taking it from her bloodied hand. "What is this?" I ask.

"We just had two visitors." She announces.

"What?" I hear Dane yell, as he makes his way over to Victoria and I, with Kellan and Morgan following close behind.

"Yeah, what?" I reiterate.

"I heard two people by the gate. I went over and they're scaling the fence. They said they have a message for Morgan Sinclair and held that phone out." She explains.

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