Chapter 28: cake and vodka

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Morgan Sinclair

Drinking a blood bag at the kitchen table, I contemplate my life; only one of those things is a common birthday activity of mine. My contemplation gets cut short with a punch to the arm. "Ow." I say turning to the blonde who just hit me and is glaring at me like I killed her cat. "Yes Chloe?"

"When were you going to tell me it's your birthday?" She crosses her arms.

I'm going to punch Grayson.

"Grayson told you?"

"No Dane did. Grayson knew before me?" She looks so offended right now.

"I'm not actively trying to hide it from you I'm just not a fan of birthdays. Well, my birthday." I clarify. "Dane knows my birthday?"

"Aurelia." She says. Oh makes sense. "We have to do something. It's your 21st that's big."

"I don't really do big birthdays."

"Okay then something small. We need to get cake and alcohol- what's your favorite alcohol?" She says getting progressively more excited as she continues.

"Vodka probably. I can help you guys bake a cake but actual food tastes pretty disgusting to me now."

"Oh right. We'll figure something out but definitely alcohol." She says looking more excited for my birthday than I probably ever have and honestly, it's a refreshing sight to see.

Normally I'm reminding friends of the day and I get an apathetic 'happy birthday we have to do something!' only to see them later on whatever social media that they're hanging out with their closer friends. "You know what yeah." I let a smile form on my face- on my birthday, who would've thought. "Let's make a cake."

"You can't eat it."

"For you guys mainly but I'll suck it up for a little bite of it." I say.

"No, what do you want to do?" She asks.

"I wanna make you guys a cake." I stand up from the table, finishing the rest of the blood bag quickly as I walk further into the kitchen.

"It's your 21st."

"I'll have vodka with the cake." I say, throwing the empty bag out in the trash. Chloe stands silently. "Come on, we're getting cake stuff."

"Okay let me just make a quick phone call and I need my wallet." She says excitedly running off.

The overcast made it possible for us to be out and about during the afternoon, I could definitely still feel an intense heat coming from the sun but I wasn't burning. The heat was worse in the hoodies Chloe and I were wearing to help disguise us to which Victoria said we were being ridiculous. The closest grocery store was in the middle of nowhere so no one would really be around but we wanted to be ridiculous. Dane told us it was fine just be cognizant of our surroundings before we left so we put up our hoods to show him our disguises. He just rolled his eyes and walked away. 

Walking into the grocery store Chloe skips to the cake isle. Thankfully it's not crowded at all but I was still having to ignore the pain of not being able to feed as the 4 other heartbeats taunt me, pounding in my eardrums. "What kind do you guys want?" I ask to distract myself from the pressure building in my gums.

"It's your birthday-." Chloe starts.

"Funfetti." Victoria states cutting Chloe off, already grabbing the box. Me and Chloe stare at her silently. "You can pick the frosting." She motions to the frosting section. Victoria saw us leaving the house, Chloe told her we were going to the grocery store to get cake stuff. All Victoria said was okay and tagged along.

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