Chapter 40: drown

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Morgan Sinclair

Sitting on the ledge of Victorias office desk I wait for her to exit her dark room. "Hey Victoria?!" I yell out playing with the newton pendulum on her desk next to me.

"What!" She yells back through the door.

"Are we all Brooks'?" I ask the question that popped into my head.

"What?!" She exits her dark room a few seconds later with her brow creased.

I turn my attention back to my dangling legs I keep swinging left to right as they hover slightly over the floor. "Victoria and Dane Brooks." I say. "Lucien Brooks?"

Looking up at her and the disgust on her face I push back the smile that wants to form on my face at her reaction. "Fuck no. Brooks was my families name." She says in a normal tone.

"But Dane-."

"Dane never had a last name so I gave him mine." She explains. "Lucien sort of doesn't have one. High Celestials' last name was the city they ruled over. So Lucien of Kyrstollas then he abandoned that once everyone stopped calling the cities their celestial given names and he gained control over several of them. He's been only Lucien since then."

"Then Chloe and Kellan-."

"They took either their fathers or mothers names. A lot of High Royals do that just to distinguish themselves. Some don't."

"Huh." I say. "How was your photography stuff?"

"It's fine." She states walking towards the door of the office.

I hop off of the desk. "I didn't picture you as a photography girl."

"Surprising I know but I do things other than violence and drinking." She nods her head in the direction of the door. "Come on."

She walks out of the room and I follow behind closely. Walking through her intimidatingly large palace hallways we get to the grand staircase that sits behind the throne in the throne room. We descend the marble stairs, then she stops at her throne leaning back on its armrest. "Why are we here?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk to you about your future coronation."


"So your palace will most likely be the one that's right outside of Chicago. It's pretty similar to the layout of mine but imagine all of this with silver instead of gold." She says waving a hand behind her, motioning towards everything behind her.

"I get fun rubies or garnets too?" I cross my arms looking around at the stone accents, ending on the ones on top of her throne.

She glances up at the stones on her throne. "No your stone you'll choose before your coronation."


"High Celestials would take stones as their symbol. Putting it in a ring or whatever else- It was just a tradition that Lucien took." She holds up her hand showcasing the ring she's been wearing lately. A fairly large gold ring with a shaved flat red gem at the top of it. "Mines ruby- not garnet."

"What does it do?" I ask as she puts her hand back down.

"It's not like a magical ring. It's just a ring."

"I've never seen you wear it before."

"I don't usually wear it unless I'm in my city or I'm around Lucien. The stone you choose will be pretty much everywhere. Your nobles will wear a ring with the stone. Your city will take up the color of the stone."

"So this stone is my personality trait then." I say and a bunch different stone choices run through my mind. Maybe diamond? Emerald? Sapphire? Amethyst?

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