Mr.Gold x Daughter!Reader

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@rosielee1775 Thank you for the request I hope that you like it, this took a little longer than normal for me to write it. 

'Everyone has bad days but I just have a bad life. Constant bullies and a total sense of being worthless and never being enough. No matter what I do I feel like I'm just a waste of space and everyone would be better off if I were to just disappear.' 

"(Y/N) whatcha writing?" I looked at Henry "Just writing how my days going nothing super important Henry" "Oh well we should hang out after school's done." I went to answer but Devin the schools' popular girl cut me off. "Ew Henry why would you want to hand out with a potential killer? She's just going to turn out just like her dad. A coward and a murder." I looked down at my journal before walking out of the school. 'They're right you know your never going to be good enough, Why can't I just be normal? You'd be better off dead, they don't are no one does.' I stopped in my tracks and headed to Regina's vault. 'They won't have to worry about me anyway.'

3rd person POV
*Back at Regina's office *
"Someone's in my vault"

By the time that Regina got to the vault (Y/N) was gone with the one thing that she thought would fix her life.  

As Regina was going through and making sure that everything was accounted for she realized that the one thing that got her in this whole mess was missing. Not knowing who add the item Regina went to the one man in town that knew just as much as she normally does. "Gold!" Mr. Gold turned around and looked at the Evil Queen. "Regina always a pleasure having you yell at me mid-afternoon. So what's got you all stung up?" "Someone broke into my vault and took one of the apples." "it's just an apple dearie why all the fuss?" "Gold this is serious someone took one of the poison apples that I have and I don't know who it is." "How should I know who as your apple I've been at the shop all day." Just then Henry ran into the shop. "Mr. Gold! Mr. Gold! Has (Y/N) come home yet!?" Mr. Gold looked at Henry like a ghost "Why on earth would she be home and on the topic of why aren't you in school?" Henry looked at his mom and Mr.Gold "Well I asked (Y/N) if she wanted to hang out after school and I know that when she walks home alone then that group of kids pick on her the whole way so I thought we could hang out so she wouldn't feel so lonely." Mr. Gold gave Regina a side look, "Henry what makes you think that (Y/N)is getting picked on?" Mr. Gold had the same question, surely if his daughter were feeling sad and alone and he would so know if his daughter was being bullied. Henry held up (Y/N)'s notebook "I didn't know what the homework was and so I thought that this was where she writes down what the homework is and when I opened it...." Henry's sentence trailed off as he handed Mr. Gold his daughters' notebook. 

September 12th 

Everyone has bad days but I just have a bad life. Constant bullies and a total sense of being worthless and never being enough. No matter what I do I feel like I'm just a waste of space and everyone would be better off if I were to just disappear. 

Mr. Gold continued with this same type of writing ranging from what was going on at school to mentionings of wanting to be nothing more than gone. What caught his eye was a page that looked much different than the layout of the rest of them it looked like a plan 

August 25th 

Step one: Build a small coffin, Step two: Steal a poison apple from Regina, Step three: eat the apple and no one will try and find you. 

The plan would explain why there was an apple missing all the group had to do now was find (Y/N) before she ate the apple. 

*In the woods* 

(Y/N) continued to walk towards the hideout that she and Henry always used to go to as kids, it was deep in the woods and not many people knew about it. After she and Henry started freshman year they stopped hanging out as much and the second that Henry wasn't talking to her as much the bullying started as now she was just (Y/N) the town freak who was expected to be just like her father. Cold, ruthless, mean, and a lier, no one was ever willing to get to know her as a person except for Henry and now she really didn't have him either. (Y/N) officially didn't care and even though deep down she knew that her father cared she found it hard to believe that as ever since Belle came back into his life she seemed to take up most of her father's time, at least in (Y/N) 's eyes that's what it seemed like.  (Y/N) sat down on the log that she carved out for herself, the plan having been in motion for a while. Just as (Y/N) laid down she heard her name being called. "(Y/N)! It's Henry! Where are you!" (Y/N) sat up in the log looking at the direction that Henry's voice was coming from only to be scared by a far more familiar voice. "(Y/N)" She whipped around at the sound of her dads voice. "Dad?" "What are you doing out here?" (Y/N) tried not to look down at the apple not wanting her dad to know about her plan. That however, didn't work as Regina grabbed the apple from her hands. "Trying to put herself under a sleeping curse that's what she's doing." Gold looked at Regina "This isn't your discussion Regina you can go home now." Regina grabbed Henry and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Really why a sleeping curse? Do you even know what your doing! What where you thinking! Cause I don't think you were!" (Y/N) couldn't help but glare at her father. "Yeah dad a sleeping curse, what the matter with it if someone really truly loves me then i'm fine! Besides its not like you would have noticed if I was missing for a few days! No one would have cared the only ones that would noticed would be that group of girls at school and only they would notice cause they wouldn't be able to pick on me. Henry might notice but now that he's got two moms I don't think he'd notice and your to busy with Belle to notice anything!" Gold was taken back not realizing that Henry wasn't lieing and that his daughter really did think that no one cared about her. " (Y/N) I know that I don't seem like I care I really do I do notice things why didn't you come to me about the bulling and I would have taken care of it." (Y/N) scoffed " That's the problem then I'd get picked on more I'm already the school freak cause they think I"m just like you and I'm not and they don't get that. I'm just ready for life to be done with cause I'm sick of everything and everyone being fake and rude." Gold stood there for a second not knowing how to react, "So I won't do anything but honey you should have still said something now please lets go home I promise that things will be better but you can't run away from your problems. Trust me it doesn't help." 

The two walked home and were greeted by a worried Belle, they all sat and talked about what's going on at school and at home. Now going through everything it was decided that every other day Rumple would spend the evening with (Y/N) and then after dinner with Belle. The weekends are now dedicated family nights. Little by little as time went on (Y/N) realized that while yes high school sucks not everything is horrible. 

Sorry if it's not a good as normal or compared to the rest of the book i'm just getting back into the swing of things. rosielee1775 thank you again for the request I hope it's to your liking. And make sure to let me know what you think in the comments. 

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