Regina x Reader Part 2

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(f/f) = favorite flavor


" A LITTLE BIT OF ALCOHOL YOU CAME HOME DRUNK SO DON'T BLAME ME FOR YOU BEING A STUPID, SELFISH, BRAT!" I started crying more. "I hate you, Regina," I said. "(Y/N)!" I heard from Henry before I could feel myself fall and everything went black.

When I woke up I was in my bed and I had a headache. "Hey (Y/N)" I looked at the door and Henry was there. "Hey, little bro what's up?" I asked, "Well Ummm I thought that you would like some headache meds since you went out with Red last night and came home drunk." I cringed as he was speaking all the memories coming back to me. "Thank you, Henry," I said he left and went downstairs and came back up with a glass of water and some painkillers and an (F/F) pop tart. "OMG, you are the literal best Henry." (Sorry if you don't like pop tarts but like that's what I'm eating right now and I'm so tired so that's what we are going with ok I'm done back to the story). Henry came over to me and sat on my bed. "Do you really hate mom?" He asked

Regina's POV

"Do you really hate mom?" I heard Henry ask (Y/N). "Well Henry I didn't always hate her but lately it's like I can't do anything without her wanting to know every little detail and it's annoying, and last night was the last straw for me. She called me a stupid, selfish, brat. Those are things that you should never call your kid even if they come home drunk." (Y/N) explained. They started talking about things that mad (Y/N) mad that I do. But one thing caught my attention. "I'm moving out Henry." (Y/N) said. Both me and Henry gasped "WHAT? WHY?" Henry screamed "ow dude I still have a headache. And I said I'm moving and why is because I can't stand Regina anymore I am 17 I don't need her to constantly be checking up on me, granted last night I did go drinking and I'm underage but that is no reason for her to be a complete and utter witch about it like no wonder they called her the EVIL QUEEN. CUZ THAT'S ALL SHE'S GOOD AT IS RUINING MY LIFE." she basically screamed the last part purposely so that no matter where I was in the house I would have heard it. A single tear rolled down my face. Not only did I screw up I lost my daughter in the prosses. Alright new goal DON'T SCREW UP WITH HENRY.

Alright, so I think that I am all caught up on request if not please let me know. Sorry for the crap ending but I couldn't come up with anything else also sorry for it being so short again I couldn't think of anything.


Word count 483

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