Rumbelle x Rebal!Teen Part 2

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This was requested a while ago and I'm sorry for totally not doing it. Also, this is when the black fairy is in town.

Violets POV 

I was sitting at the table with my mom and Rumple when Emma walked in. "Gold we need you to tell us where the dagger is." She said "And why would I do that?" he asked. I scoffed and everyone looked at me. "Why do you think that that's funny?" Gold asked I looked at him. "Because you're never going to let that stupid dagger out of your sight if I asked you to get rid of the dagger you wouldn't do it cuz you can't. Bea proved that theory you lost your son to a dagger so, the fact that you still have the thing that tore your family apart the first time says that you didn't learn the first time around." I said. Everyone looked at me in shock. Gold looked like he was going to kill someone. "Now that was uncalled for you have no right to say any of that I kept the dagger to help protect Bea." He said. I laughed. "Yeah right!" I stood up. "Now if you will excuse me I have somewhere to be," I said I went to go to and leave when I couldn't move anymore. Gold walked in front of me. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked, "To meet up with a friend." I lied. "Don't lie to me!" Gold yelled. "Fine, I'm going to see Gideon." When I said that the magic slipped and I ran for the door. I ran into the town and to the clock tower and I went up the stairs to the top. When I got to the top my brother was already there. When he saw me he opened up his arms and I ran to him so that I could give him a hug. He whispered in my ear. "Is our so-called dad yelling at you again?" I nodded my head. We stayed like that for a bit before I broke away from him. "Can we go meet your mom now?" I asked he smiled, "of course, we can." Just as we were about to leave Gold and mom came up the stairs. They stopped at the top and I went to Gideon's side. Belle was the first one to speak. "Where are you going?" Gideon smiled "Well if you must know mom we are going to see my other mom." Belle gasped "But why she's horrible and doesn't care about either one of you we do." She said pointing at herself and Gold. I laughed "Really? So calling me a disappointment is caring? I'm sorry mom but I can't stay in a house with him anymore. When I go with Gideon I feel like I have a home and that I  don't have to worry if I am a failer or not. I can do something right when I'm with her she cares more than Gold ever will!" I was crying by the end of what I said. I looked at Gideon "Let's go" and with that, we disappeared. 

~ 2 weeks later~ 

2 weeks that's how long I've been with my other mom even though I know she isn't my mom she cares a lot more than Gold. Right now me and Gideon and mom are walking through Storybrook when Emma and all of them came running up to us and I, unfortunately, saw Gold. "Give us Violet." Said Emma I scoffed before stepping next to my other Mom. "That's cute Emma it only took you what two weeks to come and get me why the sudden change and shouldn't my parents well no scratch that shouldn't Belle and Rumple be saying that?" I questioned Gold and Belle stepped forward. "Violet come home we know that you're not happy with her," Belle said I looked at her. "I'm sorry mom but I can't stay at a place that I'm not wanted. Gold made it very clear that I wasn't wanted or else you would have come for me but no you didn't it's been two weeks. That's a lot of time to find a kid in such a small town not to mention the fact that you could just use a location spell to find me, So my question is why didn't you?" Neither one of them responded to me. "Well then looks like that's my answer to that question," I said I looked at my other mom. "Mom, take me home please I never want to see this place again." She smiled "of course Violet." And with that, I was in the Dark Fairy's castle. 

Back in StoryBrooke

 Black Fairy's POV

I looked at my son Rumple. "The irony the fact that you let her go is quite sad don't you think? The fact that you have now lost three kids to that dagger really comes to show that you don't care about anything but that dagger. And the fact that I'm right infuriates you to no end. But think of it this way, What this really shows is that no matter what you do, how hard you will try, you will never learn because oh what's that thing you always say? Oh, I remember magic always comes with a price." I finished before disappearing into my castle. 

BOOM! I did it it's super late but it got done. Soooo now I'm gunna go and write another story and yeah Vote,comment, and share


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