Little Girl (Pan x Child Reader)

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  In this, you are Pans daughter/son and your 7 years old.

 (Y/N) Pov

 My dad and uncle Felix were walking with the rest of the boys to the training grounds. When we got there a guy with a leather jacket and a Hook for a hand was standing in the middle of the field. "Daddy, who's that?" I asked. "The captains back."

 Pans POV

 "The captain's back," I said. I grabbed (Y/N)'s small hand in my bigger hand. And stood in front of him/her a little. "what do you want hook?" I asked. "Something very simple actually." He said. "And that would be?" "You daughter/son" My eyes widened and then I glared at him. "Now why would I ever give you my son/daughter?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I questioned and yelled causing (Y/N) to cower. I looked at him/her and picked him/her up and put him/her on my hip. "Well, Pan if don't give me the child then I will just take just take him/her" Hook said. "I'd like to see you try Hook," I said. I then flicked my wrist and he was gone. "Daddy who was that and is he really going to take me away?" asked (Y/N) "That was Hook and nobody is going to take you away," I said. And for the rest of the day, I didn't let (Y/N) out of my sight.  


Hope that you like this and also hope that you are having a great day.

Once Upon A Time One shots On HoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora