PETER PAN X-Mas Special

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  Reader POV 

           I was in storybrooke when I looked up and saw the shadow. It came down and stopped in front of me. It grabbed my hand and flew off when we landed we where in a camp "Why would you bring me him/her! That's the wrong person!" I looked over to see Pan. How do I know him well he captured me and Henry and then we dated before Emma forced us to break up because it was either break up or kill Peter so yeah. When Peter saw me he glared at me. "Take him/her to the cages." And so that is where I was put. 

Emma's POV            ~1 day later~ 

We (Regina, Killian, Gold, Snow, and Charming) were back in Neverland looking for (Y/N). We found Pan's camp and put a sleeping spell in his drink. So now we are the camp saying that the boys get pan back when we get (Y/N) back. So now here we are waiting for Felix to bring out (Y/N). "What is (Y/N) going to do when he/she sees Pan under a curse?" Snow asked me. "I have no idea but I don't think that he/she will like it. Felix came out with (Y/N). "I brought you (Y/N) now give me Pan." he said. "wait why is he sleeping?" (Y/N) asked. His/ her eyes widened in realization."You put a sleeping curse on him!?!?!?!?!?!" We all nodded our heads yes. "It's for the best." said Rumple "Yeah right! You guys just don't like him! I get it he kidnapped Henry and me but guys I LOVE HIM!!" We all froze as (Y/N) walked up to Pan. "(Y/N) what are you doing?" asked Felix. "Well if he is under a curse I'm at least going to give him a kiss!" (Y/N)leaned over Pan and kissed him a ring shot out and Pan opened his eyes."W-what, How, why?" he asked. "True loves kiss, I kissed you, Because I love you" (Y/N) answered. And then kissed pan again this time he kissed back. When they broke apart (Y/N) whispered "Best Christmas Ever" and then Pan put his hand up and I and the gang were back in Storybrooke "Should we go and get (Y/N)?" asked Regina. "No he/she is Pans, true love, they should be together on Neverland." answered snow.  


I hope that you all have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas!!!!!!! 

Word Count 401 

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