Go with me (Henry x OC)

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In this, we are in Season 5 but Henry is a teenager (Doesn't follow storyline but oh well.)

Henrys POV

My family and I were trying to get Hook back to Storybrooke by finding info in the library. And my brain is dead I can't do any more research. "Mom I can't do this much longer," I whined yes I know I'm 15 but this is torture. "I'm gonna explore maybe find a clue in this town," I said getting up and being told to be careful about a million times before I could finally get out. As I was walking around town I saw a group of people gathered on a park bench when a girl walked over to them. "Hey, guys guess what we should do!"  She exclaimed just as I was about to walk away I heard something that could help us. "No way Rose we can't hang with you your the daughter of Hades he can kill us. I think that's it's better if we all go our  separate ways." The kid with a black jacket said. The girl whose name I think is Rose looked like she was going to cry. "O-ok," she said. She walked toward the woods before she took off in a dead sprint and me being me ran after her. I followed her along ways into the woods before I saw her sitting down on a stump I stopped. "I know you're there," she said I stepped towards her "Hi, I'm Henry" I said she looked at me the first thing that I saw was her eyes they were all red and puffy she had obviously been crying but the color of her eyes were red and to be honest I kinda like it. "I'm Rose and I know red eyes weird right?" I just noticed that I had just been staring at her. "Uhh no, I think that your eyes are really cool actually." I said "Really?" "Yeah, not many people have that as an eye color,"  I said and before I knew it we were talking and laughing about everything. 

~Time skip 5 hours ~

At this point me and Rose were walking around town and talking and it was almost dark out. "I have to go home, see you tomorrow?"She asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. I smiled "Of course." "YAY" she gave me a hug but before I could react she ran off and I went back to the library. When I got to the library I was asked a million and one questions. "Hold up let me explain," I said my mom Regina came up to me. "Henry you were gone for almost 6 hours now WHERE WERE YOU?!?!?!?!?" "I was with a friend and we were talking about things plus she's the daughter of Hades and before you go all crazy and say she's going to try and kill me hear me out so she doesn't like her dad at all and so I was thinking that she could help us get hook out of here and back to Storybrooke. Now I know that it's a risky plan but I think that if we play our cards right we could get her to help us." I said everyone looked at me before Snow stepped over to me. "Henry that is a horrible idea you can't play with a girl's feelings like that and if you do she is going to try and kill you and none of us want that." She said and before I knew it a big argument was going down about if we should trust Rose or not. 

~ Time skip to the next day ~

I got up before everyone else did just so that I could go and hang out with Rose but I left a note for Snow explaining why and only she is supposed to read it because she would be the only one that would look at it reasonably. As I was walking in town I realized that me and Rose didn't say where we were going to meet up today. I must have been walking around for a while now because I got outside and it was still like 5 am and now it's 11:15 am. I was pulled from my thoughts by someone calling my name. "Henry!" I turned around to see Rose. When she jogged up to me I noticed that her neck was kinda purplish in color. "Hey, Rose what happened to your neck it wasn't like that yesterday." She froze and then she looked at me. "You promise not to tell anyone." "Yes I promise I won't say anything," I said. "Ok so my dad kinda well he strangled me with magic and it left a mark. But don't worry about me this happens a lot and well after today it won't happen anymore." She said, "Wait why won't it happen anymore?" I asked she looked at me. "I'm running away I know of a portal by the clock tower that will take me to any place that I want so I'm going to use it and run away. I mean why stay in a place that nobody wants you in. My dad hates me because I'm a girl and I don't have any friends except you and once you find Hook you will leave and I'll be left alone and don't say that I could go with you because I already know that your family doesn't like me so that's out of the question." She said when she finished explaining I looked at her "Your really gonna leave?" She nodded "Ok how do I help?" She looked shocked but quickly covered it up with a smile. "We wait till noon then the portal will open for like 15 minutes and that's when I'll use it." I looked at my watch well it's 11: 45 so we better hurry." She nodded and we went to the clock tower.  When we got to the clock tower it was 11:50. "Ok I got this," she said to no one. But then she turned to me. "What if I don't got this, what if I fail and go to the wrong place." She looked at me with fear in her eyes. "A-and if everyone there hates me then I'll just be back where I started, w-with no way out and then people will want me gone and then, and then" I didn't let her finish that statement and made her be quiet in the most cliche way I could think of. I kissed her and to my surprise, she kissed back. When I broke the kiss I put my forehead on hers and hugged her. "Better?" I asked. "Mhm" "Good because I wasn't going to take no for an answer. Do you always spiral like that?" I asked resting my head on top of hers. She nodded. "Well why you have nothing to worry about, and so what if people don't like you, I like you, your smart, funny, know what you want, you have wicked hair, and you're really pretty. And I'm not just saying that I mean it and if others are too blind to see that then their not worth your time." I said now I know what your thinking ' Henry you just met her and you already like her.' And you know what I don't care. I looked down at my watch 11:58 only 2 more minutes. "Hey Rose you only have 2 minutes till the portal opens." She nodded and pulled away from the hug. "So I guess this is goodbye." I said. "Umm Henry, I was wondering if you would like to come with me?" She said I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off. "Oh, no young man you aren't going anywhere." I turned around to see Snow, Emma, and Regina and by the looks of it, Regina is the one that spoke. "But mom please I need to make my own story and have my own tale I can't be stuck and home and cry for help every time that something goes wrong." I said and to my surprise, I didn't get yelled at only death glared. "Henry the portals opening." Said Rose, I turned around to see the portal so I turned back to my family. "I have to go, mom, Rose can't do it on her own, well she can I just don't want to see her do it on her own I mean Snow you had Charming and Regina you had Robin and Emma you have Hook so I need to be there for Rose." I said and before anyone else could speak Emma spoke. "You right kid you're old enough to make your own choices and if this is what you want to do then do it just be careful." She said "Emma are you crazy!?" yelled Regina "No Regina Emma's right." Snow said "Fine but if this ends badly I'm blaming both of you." She said I ran over and gave them all a hug. "Thanks, guys" I jogged back to Rose and grabbed her hand. "Ready?" "Ready" and with that, we jumped in. 

Hope that you like this and thank you to my amazing boyfriend Hayden for helping me finish this and not throw it away I really owe you one and yeah. Also, I know that I already posted this week but I thought that I would update again cuz I didn't for a while so yeah. 

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Word count 1599

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