You don't scare me Part 2

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  Recap "I thought you said that I didn't scare you." He said with that stupid smirk. 

"You don't," I said, "Then why are you cowering into the back of the cage?" He said. "You don't scare me, but that doesn't mean that I am not cautious of what you are going to do to me considering that I haven't left this cage for almost a year." I said, "Well if you would have listened then I wouldn't have put you in this cage." He said in a duh tone. "So because I was 5 you thought that I wouldn't be able to do anything yet you brought me here? Along with the fact that I was able to survive on my own without you for 4 years, I think that I can pull my own around here but you didn't want to listen to me!" I snapped you heard right he put me in this cage because apparently, I wasn't doing things how he wanted. "You know what I think that you have been on this island for long enough," Pan said and with a flick of his wrist, I was covered in smoke when it disappeared I was in the enchanted forest. "Thank the lord," I said to nobody.

 ~Time skip 10 years later~

Within the last 10 years, I have a lot accomplished I have become one of the best hunters in the land, I'm not wanted any more I have a home and everything is going good since I'm only 17. I walked into my hut after going out and looking for something to kill. I hung up my hunting gear and turned around but when I did I was not expecting to see Pan on my bed twirling a dagger. "What do you want Pan?" I asked not really in the mood to deal with him. "Nothing much really you see I have been keeping an eye on you since you left Neverland and I must say you have done so much more than I thought you would. So I'm here to take you back to Neverland." He said while getting up and walking around my hut. "That's really funny Pan because last time I checked you kicked me off the island because you thought that I wasn't good enough and that I was just a waste of space but now because I can do things that I was able to do before you want me? I don't think so, now get out I have things to do and dealing with you is not one of those things." I said glaring at him. He walked up to me "Your making a mistake I didn't ask if you wanted to come back no you have no choice in this." He waved his hand and we were covered in smoke. The smoke vanished and we were on Neverland the one place that I said I was never going to go again. "So now that we are here you can't go back so you might as well get used to the fact that you are here so follow me and we won't have any problems." He said and started walking so I followed not in the mood to yell at him. As we were walking I felt like we were being watched and to be honest I wouldn't be shocked if we were being watched. When we got to camp it was nightfall. Pan lit a fire and all the boys started dancing around it but the thing that shocked me most was that I couldn't hear the music coming out of the flute. I started laughing and Pan and Felix looked at me then walked over to me. "What is so funny (Y/N)?" Felix asked, "I can't hear the music anymore!" I said in between laughs. Pan froze "That's not possible you don't have anyone your parents are dead you don't belong anywhere." He said, "Well Pan if you were watching me then you would know that I am wanted, I have people that want me and who make me feel like I belong, so you know what, I don't think that it would matter if I can hear the music or not?" I asked. Pan looked at me "You make me immortal and if you don't hear the music then I can't be immortal. " He said I chuckled "Well isn't that ironic that you need me but yet you pushed me away." And with that, I flicked MY wrist and disappeared. God, I love being the student of Rumplestiltskin.   

Bamm I updated again twice in one day I'm on a roll you guys anyway Comment, Vote, Share. 


Word Count 783

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