archie Soulmate AU Part 2

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After Archie kicked Brad (I’m making up names here lol go with it) he needed a break and where better than Grannies to go on a break. As fate would have it (Y/N) was also going on her lunch break, since she worked at the school as the nurse she took a break at different times than the teachers. Pongo and Archie arrived at Grannies not long after (y/n) however, when they got inside all the tables and booths were full. Except for (y/n)’s she was sitting by herself. Deciding to try his luck Dr. Hopper walked up to her “Mind if I sit here?” She looked up at him. “Not at all it’s nice to have company once and awhile.” They both chuckled, making small talk until ruby came over and took their orders. While eating they continued talking about whatever they could come up with from movies and books, to what color they didn’t like and what one they did. Both parties noticed how much they had in common and that as they talked to each other they felt like they knew the other person. When (y/n) checked the time she noticed that she only had 10 minutes until she had to be back at the school. “I hate to cut this short but I have to get back to the school, it was lovely talking to you Dr. Hopper we should do this again sometime.” “Yeah I- I’d like that, d-does tomorrow work for you?” (y/N) laughed “Same time as today?” Dr. Hopper nodded “Sounds like a date.”

As soon as (y/n) got to the school and into Mary Margaret's room she couldn’t hold her smile back. “Mary Margrett!” Mary margrett turned around “(Y/N)! You look happy!” “ I just had lunch with Dr. Hopper.” Mary raised an eyebrow “And what happened?” As (y/n) went down the list of what all happened she paused “What is it?” Mary margrett asked “It’s just that I feel like I’ve met him before and not like in town but somewhere else but I can’t put my finger on it. It all felt like I had done it before…” (y/N) trailed off. Both women didn’t know what to say after that.

Meanwhile while (y/N) ran to Mary Margrett Archie went to Marco. “Marco I have something to ask of  you.” Marco looked up from the clock he was trying to fix “What is it my friend?” “What do you do when you feel like you’ve met someone but you're not sure where from?” Marco stopped and walked over to Archie “What’s this all about my friend?” Archie explained what happened and when he got to the end of the date that he just had he paused “It’s like I know her I don’t know where from but I know her. Is that crazy?” Marco looked at Archie “Perhaps she reminds you of someone.” he suggested “But who?”

As the day went by both Archie and (y/n) couldn’t stop thinking about why they felt like they knew each other. It was Henry that decided to take things into his own hands and help them get together in the only way he knew how. Tell them the truth, starting with (y/N). Just after school Henry ran up to (y/n) on her walk home, leaving Emma at the school looking for him. “Hey (y/n) I heard about your lunch date, how’d it go?” To most this would be rude as it means that he was eavesdropping but (y/n) knew that he didn’t mean any harm. “It went good, I’m meeting Dr. Hopper for lunch tomorrow.” Henry smirked “Do you feel like you know him?” (y/N) stopped already knowing about Henry's book and that he thinks everyone in town is a story book character but she didn’t want to lie to Henry ''Yes but it could be that he just reminds me of someone.” “That’s because you guys are meant to be. -Henry pulled out his backpack and grabbed the story book flipping to a page of (y/n) and Archie sitting under the stars- That’s you guys see? That’s you and that’s doctor hopper.” (y/n) grabbed the book from him. “Henry I know that you mean well but I don’t think that me and Dr. Hoppers are together in your book.” “But you guys are your soulmates and nothing can keep you apart, you just don’t remember the cause of the curse.” (y/n) had a lightbulb moment “If nothing can keep us apart then why are we cursed that shouldn’t get in the way according to your theory.” Henry went to answer but didn’t have one. “I don’t know but you're right I’m going to figure this out and that way you and Dr. Hoppers can be together!” Henry went to run off but (y/N) stopped him. “Henry if it’s meant to be and nothing can stop it then why don’t we just let things happen normally?” Henry looked at her and she had a point that it should work even with a curse. “Okay” “thank you Henry now why don’t you go and find Emma I’m sure she’s worried about you.”

As the weeks went on everything was running smoothly between Dr. Hopper and (y/n) and Henry was really trying to get Emma to believe in the curse. However, when Regina caught wind of Dr.Hopper and (y/n) seeing each other she was beyond irate this could ruin her whole plan. If they kept seeing each other then at some point the curse would just wear off and they would get their memories back and that wasn’t something that she was about to let happen. So she planned on making a turnover for both her and Emma. However, when Henry came home he knew something was up and he was going to find out what Regina was up too. “Mom what are you doing?” Regina looked up “making Emma and (y/n) one of my famous apple turnovers, Emmas is a going away gift and (y/n)’s is to show that I appreciate the amount of work that she’s putting into the school.” Henry knew that she didn’t want Dr. Hopper and (y/n) to be together. “You're lying, you're just mad that Dr. Hopper and (y/n) are finally happy and that if they get together that the cures will break!” Henry ran out to warn both Emma and (y/n).

Emma and (y/n) both went to Mary Margretts after going to Regina's cause she called them both. When they got into the apartment Henry was there waiting for them. “DId my mom give you guys those turnovers?” Emma and (y/n) both nodded. “You can’t eat those!” Emma interrupted Henry and started to explain that she was leaving Storybrooke and that he couldn’t come with her and (y/n) grabbed a plate and fork so that she could eat the turnover. Despite Henry saying it was dangerous Regina hadn’t done anything but be nice to (y/n) so she had no reason to think anything bad about it. However Henry took a bite of the turn over at the same time (y/N) did. Making both of them collapse and caused everyone to panic.

As Emma and Mary Margrett rushed both Henry and (y/n) to the hospital, Archie started to feel very tired and was about to take a nap when Pongo started growling every time that Archie closed his eyes. “Fine I’ll go get it checked out.” Archie arrived at the hospital not long after Emma did with Henry and (y/n). “What’s wrong with them?” Archie asked Emma “I DON’T KNOW ALL I KNOW IS THAT THEY ATE ONE OF REGINA’S TURNOVERS AND NOW BOTH OF THEM WON’T WAKE UP AND ARE UNRESPONSIVE!” This caused Archie to panic. ‘What could have been in the turnovers that would cause this? Was it an accident or was it not an accident?’ He didn’t know but what he did know was that he was getting more and more tired by the second. “You don’t look so good.” Archie snapped back to reality when Mary Margrett said that. “Me? I’m just going to sit down and I'm getting really really tired. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do that will help.” The fact that Archie was also showing signs of what Henry and (y/n) had was concerning the others that were in the room and it was even worse that Pongo wasn’t happy about it. He kept trying to get Archie to walk somewhere in the room but the Doctor couldn’t even stand let alone walk.

*After Henry wakes up*

When Emma broke the curse everyone was so relieved that Henry was okay and safe, but when Henry looked over at the other hospital bed that happy feeling vanished. “Why isn’t (y/n) up yet?” Emma looked at (y/n) “I don’t know kid.” Emma looked back at Regina, “How would I know magic works differently here it’s not the same.” “WHY?! Why would you do this to her? She didn’t deserve this! Make the curse go away!” Regina wasn’t surprised by Henry's outburst “I can’t.” That’s when it hit Henry “Wait! Where’s Archie!” Everyone looked at Henry with confusion. “Their soulmates it’s stronger than true love, but now that I think about it curses shouldn’t work on them.” Mother superior came rushing in “Your right Henry they shouldn’t be able to be cursed and they aren’t their cursed minds are.” “Is there anything we can do?” Mother superior looked at Emma “I’m afraid not.” Pongo started barking to get everyone's attention, when everyone was looking at him he pulled Archie's scarf in the direction of (y/n). “That’s it they have to be together and put Archie on the bed with her that should wake them up!” Everyone looked at Henry “It wouldn’t hurt to try.” Knowing that it wouldn’t hurt to try Dr. Whale and a few others got archie to his feet and brought him over to (y/n). The second that their hands touched both of them woke up. “Wait. Where am I? Why am I in a hospital?” Henry smiled at (y/n) and he pointed to Dr. Hopper who was gaining his memories back. Everyone could see the realization in Archie's eyes when he looked at (y/n). No words were spoken but when Archie hugged (y/n) everyone could feel the love that they had and the sadness that they felt while apart. In that moment saying it was magical would have been an understatement. It was something far better and far more really than anything else, something better than even you and I can understand.

Thank you user11170137 for the comment to do a part 2 I hope you like it!

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