Reader x Prince Charming Request!

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(N/N) = Nick name

Readers POV

'Great just great' I looked around not realizing where I am or knowing where I'm going. As I continued to go through the woods I found a house. Quickly taking shelter inside the house I noticed that it appeared to be inhabited by people... or rather short people. 'Dwarfs maybe." I sat at the dining room table. Slowly waiting for nightfall to see if anyone was going to show up. As night approaches I started getting hungry so I started to look around the house to see if I could find something that I could feed what appeared to be 7 people and myself. I found some deer and some other meat that I know how to cook so I lit a fire in the fireplace and started to cook it. Once it was cooked through I started to look around for vegetables or any other source of food other than meat. I found some carrots and beets that I cut up and cooked, after I finished making food I put it on what I assume are plates and started waiting. After a few minutes the back door that I just found out existed opened and seven little men walked into the house. Unfortunately, they didn't see the food that was prepared and I was face to face with seven angry, short and interesting little men. Using all of my strength to not laugh I stood up and walked up to the one that was in front of the group. "(Y/N), I didn't mean to intrude into your house but my mother sent me away. I made food as a peace offering." I said hoping they wouldn't ask who my mother is. "Doc. What do we do?" The one in front asked. "How long will you be staying?" I looked at the one who asked the question. "Not that long a few days at most, just until I can figure out where the next town is." I said they all nodded and sat down leaving one seat open between who I assume is doc and the one that has a bad temper. Throughout dinner they all sent me weird looks. The more that they looked at me the more that I didn't like the feeling of being watched. "Is there a reason that you keep watching me?" They all looked at me weirdly "We just want to know what you want with us and why you made us all people's food." "I need a place to stay until I find out what way the next town over is." They all nodded and started eating the food.

Two days have passed since I arrived at the cottage. I finally figured out what the names of all the dwarfs are. They aren't as mean as they came across, in fact they're all really easy to get along with. "(Y/N)" I turned to look at Doc. "Yes Doc?" "We were wondering if you would like to live with us so we can make your own room. We just enjoy the company and to be completely honest your cooking is far better than ours could ever be." I laughed a little. "I'd love to stay." We started talking about all the things that we would need in order to make a new room in the cottage.

I was walking around the woods with my bow and arrows looking for something to eat, or hunt when I was lifted into the air. ' A trap?' I started to look around for the person responsible for catching me. "Well, look what we have." I looked down and said, "Mind cutting me down?" He shook his head. "Why would I do that if you're a thief." I scoffed "Actually I'm just a person thank you very much, I'm simply hunting for something to eat." "I highly doubt that." He said cutting the rope. I quickly got out of the net when I hit the floor. "If you doubted that you wouldn't have cut me down." I stated. "I have to go, as I have people waiting for me." I said not giving him the chance to say anything else.

3 weeks later -

Every time that I go out to hunt that guy is in the woods. Weird? Yes. Do I care? No. "Well hello there stranger." I turned to find the man in question. "Well hello." We started walking together talking about things that changed since the last time that we talked. "I never got your name." He said, "I know." "Can I know your name?" I shook my head no. "It honestly wouldn't be a good idea if you knew my name, but if it makes you feel any better use (N/N)." "(N/N). I like it." I laughed "Is there a name that I should call you by?" "I don't really have any other names that people call me by." I thought for a second, "How about Charming?" (Not sure if it's a nickname of his but go with it.) "Charming? Alright." We kept walking when I started to feel sick. I stopped and rested against a tree. "You okay?" I shook my head no, and looked around trying to figure out what would have made me feel sick. I noticed a purple plant that I hadn't seen before. "We have to get back to the cottage." I started to walk in the direction of the cottage only to fall, "you can't walk let me help." He helped me up and we started walking back. Halfway there I started losing vision, "C-charming" He stopped noticing my lack of consciousness. "It's poison."

Charmings POV

"It's poison" I panicked, 'poison how'd she get poisoned in the middle of the woods?' I called my horse and started speed walking, my horse caught up pretty quickly. Stopping I put (N/N) on the horse, and got on and flicked the reins on the horse.

Not even 5 minutes later I was in front of a cottage, quickly I got off the horse and knocked on the door hoping that someone was home. To my surprise a dwarf answered the door. I stepped aside so that he could see (N/N), "Doc! We got a problem!" The second the words left his mouth 7 little men ran out of the house and pulled (N/N) off the horse and started checking her pulse, and trying to get her to wake up. She didn't. Even though I haven't known (N/N) that long I felt empty, like my world just stopped. The dwarfs started making something that looked like a coffin.

It only took them a few hours to make her coffin, honestly if it wasn't a coffin for her I would appreciate it a little more. I walked up to the coffin before they closed it. "May I say goodbye?" They nodded, I leaned down "I'm sorry I couldn't get here faster." I whispered, I kissed her farewell. I stood straight up and let the tear in my eye fall. We left the coffin open for a second as all of us were either looking at the sky praying or had our eyes closed. "C-charming?" My gaze snapped up to see (N/N) sitting up. "(N/N)" I breathed out, I rushed to her and engulfed her in a hug, "I thought I lost you." I said into her hair. "It's going to take a little more than a little poison from the Evil Queen to get rid of me." "How do you know it was her?" I asked "She's my step mother." That's new. I laughed " Wait doesn't that make you the rightful queen?" I asked, pulling away from the hug. She nodded.

*Skip the battle thing where they take the castle cause I don't remember what all happened. And fast forward to the wedding*

(Still Charmings POV)

"You may kiss the bride" I smiled and kissed (Y/N) with as much love as I could put into a kiss. We parted and I rested my forehead against hers. "I love you." "I love you too."

The End.

I know this isn't exactly how everything happened however, I am the author so ... ha. Lol Thanks for requesting! 


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