Archie Soulmate AU

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Thank you AyiGray for the request sorry it took so long

Everyone knows about true love, and in Storybrooke it’s not unheard of. What is unheard of is calling a true love a soulmate, this doesn’t mean that they are the same. Unlike a true love hurting your soulmate isn’t possible not purposely anyway.

Archie or better known as Dr. Hopper hears about everyone's problems, converse, ect. He’s a couclier after all. And on one particular day his client was being irritating to say the least. Since the curse wasn’t broken yet Dr. Hopper's soulmate wasn’t with him. Since (y/N) is Dr. Hopper's soulmate not even a curse can cause (Y/N) to love another, even if it’s not real. This doesn’t change the fact that cursed (Y/N) is single as far as everyone knows. THis brings us back to Dr.Hopper, his client who was coming in for what could only be described as dating advice.

As a person who comes from a family of people that aren’t perfect body shape wise I do not think or feel that it’s okay to body shame other people. What someone chooses to do with their body is not your business. If you think that someone needs to lose weight think of what they could be going through it could be caused by meds they take, slow metabolism or a bad lifestyle one they choose to live. This applies to the other side of the coin as someone who is super skinny you do not need to tell someone that they need to gain weight either, they could have a fast metabolism, not enough food at home and so on. The only body that you as a person should openly comment on is your own as that is your’s and not someone else's. If you wouldn’t say it to the person you love the most, don't say anything. EVERYONE IS PERFECT THE WAY THEY ARE!!!!!!

“There’s just something keeping me from asking this person on a date.” Dr. Hopper urged his client to go on. “And that’s what exactly?” “Their weight” THis got on Archies nerve as body shaming is not something that he approved of. “What’s that supposed to mean exactly?” “Dr. Hopper they NEED to lose weight and cause you can’t say anything about what I say to you in here I’ll say their name but I think you’ll agree that (Y/N) would look so much better if they lost some weight.” Not only was this Archies last straw but apparently it was also Pongos. “Get out.” “I’m sorry what?” “ I said get out it’s one thing to ask for my help in asking someone out, but coming into MY office and down talking on an amazing, smart, and kind hearted person like (Y/N) is my final straw. If you TRULY LOVE (Y/N) you’d NEVER say such a comment EVER. It doesn’t matter if (Y/N) is super skinny for their frame or a little bigger for their frame it only means you’d have more to love. But, (Y/N) would never be with someone like you. Now, get out of my office” With that his client left and he turned to Pongo “Where did that come from buddy?” Pongo simply barked at Archie. “Let's get back to work Pongo.”

Sorry it's so short I have no excuse to use I just haven't been feeling the writing thing lately but I did update so yay me 😅
Thank you to those who still read this book I appreciate all of you very much ❤️

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