Killan/ Hook x Pirate! Reader part 2

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"What's your name?" "(Y/N), (Y/N) Jones"

Readers POV

When I said Jones I saw Hook visibly tense up. He looked at me "Whos you mother?" He asked "Mihla." I responded (pretend that she is still alive.)  "That's not possible, she died and I was told there was no kid with her." He stated. I looked at him. "My mom's dead?" I asked/whispered. Hook looked at me. "Who's your father?" I looked at him. "Killian, Killian Jones but I don't know what he looks like." He looked at me. "How are you, my kid?!?!" "Wait for you, my dad?????" I shouted. "Well I guess but that's not possible well unless when she left. " He started to trail off but I wasn't paying attention I was too busy worrying about if Hook will want me, where will I go if he doesn't want me?, Does he even want me?, Will he make me stay in Neverland? I was brought out of my thoughts because Smee was shaking me. "Is everything alright?" He asked I looked around to see if I could find Hook but when I couldn't I shook my head no. "What if Hook doesn't want me?" I started to trail off before I stopped and looked at Smee " I need a moment." I said before walking over to the railing.

Hook's POV

When (Y/N) said I was his/her dad I started to trail off then I went to my Captain's Quarters. OK so now a few things to sort out. Will (Y/N) like me as his/her dad?, How do you raise a kid?, Where is he /she stay? After I ranted in my head Smee came in. "Sir?" "Yes, Smee?" "What are you going to do about the boy/girl?" "I don't know Smee I mean what if (Y/N) doesn't want me to be his/her dad?" I was shouting at the end of what I was saying. "You know sir the child was just freaking out about that same thing well more so if you would want him/her" "Really?" I asked. "Yes you might want to go and calm him/her down he/she seemed very upset." "OK " I went up to the top deck to check up on the kid only to find him/her singing. It must be a thing that he/she got from Maliah. As I got closer I realized that it was a song that Maliah would always sing.

Put favorite song of yours here

When he/she finished I was standing next to (Y/N) "Look I know that you're scared but please know that this is new to me as well. But I know that whether or not Maliah is alive or not she would not want for us to be complete strangers to one another so if you want you can become part of the crew. I think that we have a extra room so you can put your stuff in there." I said looking at the sea. (Y/N) turned to me. "You know for being a guy with a hook you sure do know what to say." He/she said. "I guess I do love." "Oh please don't tell me that you say that word so I had to listen to Pan call me that and it was not fun plus for you and me he's pretty annoying." He/she said. "Well between you and me you missed the crew lights out." (Y/N) looked at me "You have a bedtime?" "No but it's normally around this time that the crew is out." "Well then I guess that I have a bed to get to." And with that he/she went with Smee to his/her room. "Well,well,well Hook I didn't think that you would even take (Y/N) in considering that he/she was completely worthless." I turned around to see Pan. "Just because you see something that is broken doesn't mean that it is broken Pan and just so you know (Y/N) is not worthless considering that he/she is not in your care anymore." I said proudly "True but don't you think that it's weird that (Y/N) got away from me but you can't?" he said. "Go away Pan." I turned around to see (Y/N) "And what if I don't?" Pan taunted. "Then you are going to deal with me and just because I didn't show you what I can do does not mean that I am worthless." With each word (Y/N) took a step forward and Pan took a step back. "And just so you know I have no problem tearing you apart limb from limb" he/she said. He/she then took out the sword that was on his/her belt and he/she threw it at Pan. But he caught it. " Really love? If you are going to put squid ink on it at least hit me because I always catch a object that's thrown at me." Pan said "Yeah I know that that's why I didn't coat the tip" And with that Pan started to freeze. "

今すぐキャンプに消える!(Pronounced as Ima sugu kyanpu ni kieru! Means Disappear back to camp now!) I looked at (Y/N) then at Pan but he was gone." What did you do to Pan and what did you just say?" I asked "Well I said go back to camp now and he disappeared so you're welcome." "Well you can always stay if you want." I said "I would love to stay here Dad." And with that we all went below deck so that we could start a new day when we wake up.

Sorry if Hook or Pan if OC but it made sense with the plot so yeah please request and vote and comment what you think.


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