Killian x Dark One's Daughter Part 2

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Thank you all for your patience while I work though  trying to post at a normal rate and thank you AllisonTart for being patience with me as well. Thank you all, hope you enjoy the update.

When Ally woke up she was in the forest and still in her tower. It took what she assumed to be months to get out and as far as she knew there was a curse that was broken from her understanding she wasn't concerned with it as her main concern was finding Killian. When she got out of the tower and into town, she didn't expect for everything to be so weird; they had things that moved on the black surface. Deciding that the first thing she should do is be educated in the new place she was in, she went to the library and was met by a girl named Belle who looked familiar.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if there was anything in here that would help me understand everything outside. As weird as this might sound I'm not from where ever this is I'm from the Enchanted forest and this most certainly isn't the enhanced forest." Belle chuckled and explained everything to her while walking around the town with her introducing her to everyone that they met. After stopping at Grannies they went to meet up with Emma and Henry who were just getting back from a new realm. "Ally?" Ally groaned knowing the voice all to well. Spinning around she was greeted with the one person that she hopped that she'd never have to see again. "Dark One." Rumple was shocked to see his daughter thinking that she didn't survive the curse. He tried to approach her and was taken back slightly at her stepping back. "Why don't you come give papa a hug." Ally snorted "You! My father? Now that's the first time I've ever heard you tell a joke. And your out of your mind if you think that after everything that I consider you my father. I mean what kind of father locks their kid in a tower and then kills their mother right in front of their eyes?" Rumple paled not realizing that she was watching the whole endeavor. "I... I didn't realize that you were watching that day. I just figured that since you couldn't watch her anymore that you'd assumed she died of natural causes." Ally laughed "Yeah cause you crushing her heart was very natural. You know out of everyone that I know you're the worst kind of thing that there is, you cause people to lose hope and honestly I have lost hope in you and there's nothing that you can do about it. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be walking around trying to find people that actually care about me or might care about me." As Ally continued to explore the town she realized that everything was strange and figured that maybe this new world wouldn't have been so bad.

As the months went by Ally's hope for seeing Killian went down and with each passing day she would learn something new about the land that she was now in. With the help of Emma and Henry she figured out how to use this world's technology as they called it, and with much hesitation allowed Regina to help her find a way to support herself in this new life. Between the job at the coffee shop and being in school she didn't have much time to herself and with Emma and the gang being in Neverland to save Henry she really didn't have anyone to socialize with. So it was one of those lonely days that she found herself in the one place that always brought her comfort .... The docks. While pondering when the gang was going to get back she was interrupted by a large wave hitting her legs looking up she noticed that there was a very large ship coming into the port getting up and texting Belle about the ships arrival the whole town gathered at the docks to either greet their loved ones or to fight off whoever might be on the ship. Relief filled her body as she saw Henry on the ship, and as soon as everyone was off the boat she ran to Emma and Henry to hug them seeing as how they really were her only friends other than Belle. "Emma, I can't believe that you're okay!" "Yeah it's a miracle that we made it out alive honestly speaking of how are you doing?" Before Ally had the chance to respond a familiar voice interrupted her "Love is ..... that you.... like really you?" Ally looked up to see the one person that she had lost hope on ever seeing again. "KILLIAN!??!!?!?!?!" Ally ran over to Killian and hugged him like her life depended on it "I thought that you were killed love how are you .... here?" Ally rolled her eyes and looked at Rumple and back at Killian. "Funny enough I was never killed, it was just an illusion that my dear old dad conjured up to make you think that I was dead." Killian chuckled and looked at Ally "Well that really doesn't surprise me much. He's always been a nasty crocodile." "You can say that again."

And with that Ally got the one thing that she wanted most in the world..... To finally have her happy ending. 

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