Almost Easy

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"What do you mean?" Draco said his eyes wide as he looked at Snape.

"(F/n) has given birth to your child. A girl her name is Pandora."

Draco sat down breathless from the news. He couldn't believe his ears. She betrayed him. She lied to him; disappeared into the night pregnant and didn't tell him.

"Draco" Severus said again severely "it was not her choice to keep you away but that of my own."

"You-you?" Draco looked up at Snape with rage in his eyes. His finger trembled as he pointed up at him. "Why?"

"Simply because I did not want you to have any more contact with her after you hurt her so" Snape said matter of factly "I could not risk it. Not in her state."

"I-" Draco tched and shook his head looking down. He placed his head In his hands and sobbed. "I've failed so many times Snape. Maybe it's better if Pandora never knew me"

"You need to man up and not take the easy way. (F/n) has expectations." He said matter of factly "and frankly no matter how you mess up you still need to make it your business to be apart of your child's life." He said firmly.

Draco stiffened and bit the inside of his cheek. "Your right" he mumbled "I just-I don't feel worthy. Worthy enough to have the opportunity to hold my child; I lost my value the second I decided to let everything get to me and act so classless."

"Class has nothing to do with behavior, Draco. What you did no one else is to blame. Take responsibility and actions to better yourself. The first step is to stop wallowing in your surroundings and realize that you were wrong." Severus' nose slightly flared as he spoke. This tone resonated deep inside Draco, as if it snapped him back into his reality.

"I am a father" he said softly. "with the person whom i loved deeply for years." he stated repeatedly until it became less of an absentminded rant into a statement that was secure in its foundation.

Draco rose to his feet and looked at Severus in the eyes, "I want to see her; my daughter and (f/n)"

"First and foremost; do not have the idea in your mind that you may attempt to rekindle you're relationship with my daughter; She is currently in a relationship with Colin, I'm sure you remember him and it is one of the very few things that brig her joy these days."

Draco's eyes widened as his face turned into a ghastly shade. "She's taken on another lover?"

"I do not care to divulge the details of their relationship. Just know she is at peace and in these times, peace is hard to come by."

Draco gulped feeling the sting of guilt shoot through his body. "I'll send an owl right away" he said softly. "Thank you, Snape; for telling me."

"It was not for you but more for my daughter. Do not disappoint her again."

Draco inhaled sharply as Snape left and realized was right about everything and looked in a mirror.  He remembered everything he did to f/n and how she was nothing but loving and supportive even while she was going through her own traumas, she never lashed out at him like he had at her. It wasn't fair to her; their relationship was not a fair one. He was much like a child throwing a tantrum and for the first time in months he was given clarity, true and real clarity. 

It would be easy being a co parent, completely and utterly easy almost .


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