The Hogwarts bastard

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     Most of the fantastic fan art being featured in this story was created by the lovely Miss @Tinalbion . Also your dtarting in the year 4!! Sorry lol. Her art is simply stunning and what she charges for her commissions is very reasonable. Also one of her OCs will be in the story; she will be your best friend Alison Flint, or Ali.

(F/N) sat on the Hogwarts Express completely in solitude. She managed to get on the train without being noticed, and this was great, in her opinion. By the 4th year at Hogwarts, everybody had made their friends, and their groups had been well established, yet something brought her back. It was something that her family, more specifically her mother, tried to hide from her.

The strange marking appeared on her arm during summer holiday, and that was when her mother rushed her back to the United Kingdom. Clarissa, her mother, knew this had to do something with her birth father. (F/N) never knew her birth father for reasons that Clarissa gave, like, "He wasn't ready for a family. Having him in your life would just complicate things." Still, this lead Clarissa to enroll  (F/N) in her old school, Hogwarts. Clarissa knew someone there would lead her to her father. She would find things out sooner or later.

So (F/N) sat alone, away from the first years, away from the people who already established their place in the school.

The train came to a stop,and it was time to make the trek to the school, where she would be was rallied into the great hall. Technically, she wasn't seen as a first year student, however, when they all had arrived at the top of the stairs, Professor McGonagall saw her and pulled her to the side. "You're Ms. (L/N), correct?"

(F/N) nodded as McGonagall smiled sweetly. "You have to get on the sorting hat line to find out what your house will be. You were a Thunderbird in Ilvermorny, were you not?" 

"Yes, I was."

"I am interested to see where you will be placed."

McGonagall lead (F/N) to the back of the line of the first years being sorted, and that's when the whispers began.

"Did we really not notice her on train?" Said one student.

"I wonder why she's starting so late," another whispered aloud.

(F/N) sighed, trying to tune all of the words out, but then she passed a certain student with pale skin and white hair, when their eyes met briefly; his beautiful crystal blue orbs were fixated on her (e/c) ones. She blushed as she looked to the floor, smiling to herself. The boy smiled as well and went back to looking aloof to the hat.

"Do you know her, Draco?" asked a girl sitting across from him.

"No I actually don't, Pansy," the blonde responded matter-of-factually.

"She's very pretty," Goyle said with a grin. Pansy rolled her eyes and Draco nodded vacantly. He couldn't help but feel like he knew her. From a dream perhaps? "I hope she gets placed in Slytherin," Goyle continued.

"Why, so that you could court her?" Draco laughed.

"Well, maybe I will." Goyle responded. Draco sat back and shot a grin at (F/N).

She felt the eyes of everyone there, and finally with a firm voice, Professor McGonagall called out. "Ms. (F/N) (L/N).” She gulped and took her seat under the hat.

"Interesting,” the hat wriggled above her head, “you're the first transfer student in quite some time. From Ilvermorny. top of your class by what I can sense. A Thunderbird; ambitious, talented, a leader. Courageous and creative. Though your bloodlines," it paused for a second, "your bloodlines come from one of our own. Your father more specifically," the hat seemed to grin debating whether or not to put her on the spot. "Severus Snape." The hat decided to drop the bomb after all. "And for this, you will be placed in Slytherin."

(F/N)'s eyes widened whispers erupted throughout the great hall. "Severus Snape? The Severus Snape?" She asked herself out loud. Her face paled as she sat there.

Draco's mouth was wide open. Now that the hat mentioned Snape's name, she did resemble him greatly. Her hair was thick like his and black as night, and she definitely did share some other features of his. Draco looked to the Slytherin headmaster, who looked just as shocked as she did. He didn't know? 'I'm sorry, but did you really need to share some of your dad's traits?' he thought to himself.

Pansy grinned. "Well Crab, Goyle, Draco... I have a nice little nickname for this new girl. The Hogwarts Bastard." The Slytherin student laughed, and the boys except Draco joined in.

(F/N)'s cheeks flushed a bright red as she left the center of the great hall. She wanted to cry, but knew that she couldn't show she was weak. Did Snape know all along about her? Did he want nothing to do with her? Was he the reason why she was marked as a young child? A thousand thoughts raced into her mind, she became light headed and she tripped and fell face first in front of where Pansy, Draco, Crab, and Goyle were sitting. Pansy laughed at (F/N) even more.

"How pathetic! The Hogwarts bastard falls in front of literal Slytherin royalty," Pansy said with grin. No one would share smiles with Draco, except for her!! Especially not this unsuspecting beautiful strange girl.

"I- I- uh," she stuttered as she was getting up, Draco looked at her joylessly.

"No, no its okay you don't have to-"

"Oh this is great! The Bastard stutters as well, can't even form complete sentences."

(F/N) stared at the mean girl with large, glazed over eyes, her face even redder as she covered her mouth, tears running down her face. She ran toward the nearest exit, though not without running into the other wizards and witches of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the largest European wizarding schools. This was the year of the Triwizard tournaments.

She cried out, more embarrassed than before.

Pansy laughed even more and Draco gave her a death glare, but before he even had the chance to say anything, a tanned girl with light brown hair did. "Shut it, Pansy" the girl barked. “Knocking down a new student just because you feel threatened by her looks? Get a life. Draco doesn't even like you, too immature. And that haircut, yuck."

"Shut up Flint, this doesn't involve you"

Alison furrowed her brows and stood up from the large table. She grabbed some pumpkin juice and dumped it on Pansy's feet. "Now it does, tah tah." Alison left the great hall and went looking for the new girl.

A/N: Welll I hoped you enjoyed chapter one!! Leave a comment!! Gimme some feed back!! Hope to see you next chapter! Much love my lil Slytherins!

Edited by: Tinalbion

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