Winter Dinner [Part One]

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   The start of the winter holiday and (f/n) was rushed into buisiness. she had completely forgotten about the huge new years ball she had to host luckily the chairman she hired to oversee buisiness had pretty much planned everything. She just had to be present with her date and make a speech. Oh man, a speech.

"Dont worry We have invited everyone and taken care of lodging arrangements. I am sure you will be pleased to know that the Malfoys will be staying here at the Manor for a few days before the ball." Said Chairmen Axelson.

"Thank you, Im sorry it comepletley slipped my mind; you know the ball and the historical scociety my family has been founding"

"I expected as much. Also Your father has arranged for you to stay with him for Christmas. you will leave tomorrow morning"

She groaned

"It is a big deal. This is the first christmas dinner he has planned in well, all of his life."

"Thank you again so much Axelson."

"Not a problem. The house elves do most of the work anywho"

(F/n) smiled and nodded. She went to her bedroom and saw a few gowns laid out. Some obviously for the christmas dinner at her fathers and some for the ball on new year's. She thanked the small house elf named Seraphina for laying out the clothes and looked over the beautiful options.

"There is no problem at all you are my most pleasant master" 

(f/n) smiled sweetly at the young elf and sighed

"You do not have to call me master! You can all me by my name" 

Seraphina smiled and nodded towards her master. 

"What ever you please, mistress (f/n)"

(f/n) chuckled and looked over the options

"I really cant make a decison. they are all really lovley. Seraphina you have such excellent taste!"

"It was mistress Malfoy who has taught me. she hopes that you would be happy to have me as an aide in picking out gowns."

"Mistress Malfoy was very wise to have assigned you to the task indeed."


(f/n) the next day spent the better part of the morning  in a cab to her father home. This would be the first time she would actually spend the night at his home. His butler gave her the creeps, wormtail. Upon arrival he took her things up into the house 

"Be careful with that trunk, please. Thats my expensive makeup She said as he dragged her caboodle.

"I've yet to understand why it is that you need so much cosmetic products in the first place" Snape said overheaing his daughter .

"Well these good looks dont just happen it takes time."

"Actualy 'these good looks' do happen because you look alot like your mother. She was beautiful"

(f/n) rolled her eyes "Well, thank you. But your obligated to tell me these things because you are my father. Now If i want to wear makeup becuase it makes me; or helps me feel more confortable in the skin that I am in;  i will do so"

Snape looked at his daughter and blinked "Okay'' he said simply she did have a point. Do whatever you feel comfortble with doing, he thought with a sigh.

"You're room is by the library. Now, did you have time to find a gift for your fiance for when you see him at hogwarts?"

"Actually no I havent."

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