Desperation May Lead To Regrettable Actions

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   Hi my lovely readers! Please dont hate me, i know the direction i want to take the story. I dont plan to give any spoilers but as a warning; its going to be a hard pill to swallow. I say this like it hasnt already been hard, but all in all you guys will be happy but the process to getting their is a little bit rough. I thank you all for being apart of this journey from the very beggning, we are getting towards the endgame now!  Also a bit of a trigger warning, gore and fighting.

  (F/n) looked down at her hands trembling at the results of her test. Two pink lines. Two pink lines. She was then victim to an onslaught of emotions. At first she cried, then she smiled a little but then she froze. What if I am forced to loose them again. She thought to herself with a pensive look and sighed feeling utterly exhausted.

She exited the restroom to see her father rushing to the boys lavatory. This peaked her curiosity and placed the test inside of her bra for safe keeping. (F/n)'s eyes widened as she peeked into the bathroom.

Harry had run out looking pale some blood stained onto his sleve. (Potter looking SUS) "Father?" She called stepping onto the wet cool floor, also stained by blood. She knelt before the body of her gasping fiance.

Her heart sank and she placed her hand onto his head, slowly caressing it. "Is he going to die?" She asked in a soft voice.

"No" snape said reciting an unfamiliar spell as his wand waved over his body healing it.

  Draco coughed as he regained conciousness and just laid on (f/n)'a lap ashamed and embarresed he had lost.

"Did potter cast a forbidden spell??!!" (F/n) looked too her father

"Not in the least" He said sternly before grabbing hold of Draco's shirt firmly yanking him to his feet. "What is WRONG with you!!! Getting into a battle on school grounds??!!!!!! Do you have any idea what could have happened if I wasnr near? You could have died! I would die as well!!"

"Hop off me old man! I know what's at stake!! Theres no need to lecture me! Alright because I was chosen for this task! I was chosen!!!"

"You Weasle! That mark upon your arm doesnt mean Shiet! We all were chosen for tasks and you; with your wrecklesness could have cost me my life!"

"I dont need any lecture from an old man rejected by a mudblood!!" Draco spat out pushing Severus away. "What are YOU gawking at!" He hissed at (f/n) who's jaw was dropped. He shoved her to the side as well and while he walked and she held his left hand tightly

"Now hold on we arent the enemy! And you shouldnt say things like that to hurt us! Were only concerned and want to help"

There was no warning, there was no word just reaction. A reaction that neither the Father, the daughter or the fiance thought would occur.

Before he knew it it had already been done. Her face to the side her eyes wide looking back onto the cool moist tiles, her face was red and stung. Her body trembled and tears formed down her eyes.

  Draco's hand trembled as well his own eyes wide. "(F/n)" he said softly then tried to touch her cheek. She flinched and backed up snape then stood between them. "Leave" he said to Draco. "But...but I didnt mean it" he pleaded.

"Were over" (f/n) said tearfully she threw her engagement ring and it landed square onto his forehead. Draco caught the ring "please- I-" Snape pointed to the doorway and then Draco walked away with his head low. He couldnt fathom what had just transpired. That even in his deepest and darkest of days he would ever put his hands on a woman; furthermore the woman he loved.

He hated Voldemort, no despised him yet too much of a coward to act on it. His shoulders were even heavier as he laid down onto his bed and silently cried while he stared at his beloved's former ring.


Some time had past and (f/n) was still a mess. She cried into her fathers cloak. He patted her head and tried to sooth her as much as he could.

"I understand if you were to give him another chance" Snape said to his daughter

"No" she said firmly as she looked up at him, her lip was busted and slightly bruised "I'll never go back. He has had to many chances already and I will not live with someone I cannot love but rather fear. That is no life. Not for me or my child."

"I support your decision" he paused for a second and then his eyes got wider. "Child; you say?" (F/n) nodded and took out the test.

Two pink lines.

"What will you do?" He asked his daughter. "It is your choice to make and I will support it"

"My child did not want to be conceived, it is not their fault, they didnt have a choice to be conceived why shall I choose to end it? I find this a blessing rather then a curse" she said softly.

Snape inhaled sharply and rose to his feet. "I am undeniably proud to be your father" he said lowering his head so he looked her in the eyes. "If I have not said it enough, I am proud, you make me proud no matter what pariah this may bring; you My daughter make me a proud father and I am glad you are still here"

(F/n) avoided his gaze and flinched as he pulled her into his arms. She relaxed in his grasp and hugged her father tightly.

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