The Wizarding Historical Society Summer Ball (lime)

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The summer days had been mostly very excruciating to go by, with Draco's task taking its toll on his phyque and (f/n)'s fruitless efforts to concieve the child of the dark lord, the days went on with lackluster thoughts. A seemingly endless cycle that neither of them could shake;

Get up, get dressed, go, Get home, baith, sleep.

Get up, get dressed, go, get home, baith, sleep

Get up, get dressed, go, go home, baith, sleep

With this minute feel for anything the teens were almost numb, numb to the world around them, numb towards the people that had loved them and more importantly numb to themselves. They had become numb to themselves. 

yet there did come a day where (f/n) wokeup with nervousness, even excitment and not the usual numbness that took control of her. Infact her husband to be as well felt the same xact way on the same day and this was the day where to Wizardig Historical Scocieties summer ball would take place.

How was this exciting? Well it was escapism, (f/n) could drown herself in the work her mother had left her to do She could drown hersef in decoration, she could drown herself in seating arrangements and in speech peperations. She more importanty could focus n not only herself but on her fiance as well. Obviosly he was attending and with that being so it was alomst like a date for the pair.

Seraphina had picked out a very lovley light blue silk gown from a catalaouge and (f/n) fell in love with it. It was both youthful and distingushed. She walked infront of the mirror after she dressed herself and smiled, soon the smile fell and the thought dawned on her, what if he was there? Was this calling his attention in anyway? seraphina placed a small hand on the hemm of her masters dress

"My lady loks so beautiful, the young malfoy will not be able to take his eyes off of her" (f/n) snapped out of her thoughts and smiled "Thank you seraphina" she nodded


A few hour past and the large hall of the (l/n) estate was full of many people many diplomats people of the press and donors. It was time for her to give a speech she looked at Alfred, her project manager and walked out to the podium.  She was greeted with a gentle applause.

"Good evening, patrons, guests, donors, friends, family and people of the press. This year there has been so much going on, it's been very dizzying with the upkeep. Starting with the tragic death of my mother there was then a paradigm in the way things worked. Being the youngest and the only (l/n) alive it had been apparent that the care of the historical boarding societies was now my responsibility. This is actually a perfect excuse for me to give in late assignment to my professors" she laughed and the audience giggled "furthermore I became engaged, yet how does this concern the historical society? Simply because I am engaged with the young Malfoy heir, weve been plummeted into scandal for the unfortunate events that took place at the beginning of the summer holiday at the ministry of magic. With this being said the my advisors of the society  have been nervous needless to say to throw our yearly banquet. Yet I made an executive decision as fickle as a teenage girl may be, this was of upmost importance. Why cower in this time of scandal and turmoil? Why not take pride in our rich history? Why not take the time of day to  step back and appreciate the way out world has evolved has become. In the wake of the return of he who shall not be named, we have lost our sense of selves. Our sense of not pride, but self assurance. Weather we be muggles or pureblood magic runs through our veins and needless to mention magic is very special in our world, in the world in its entirety. So we take this day to celebrate our roots, we take this day not to live in fear but to fearless in the moment. Yes there is real evil yes there is danger but this danger is what separates us from the rest. Please enjoy tonight's festivities forgetting about your anxieties and enjoy yourselves we deserve it no?" She smiled and that's how she ended her speech. People.clapped and cheered and Draco, who was in this crowd was slightly brought to tears.

He greeted her with a passion filled kiss placing a small hand on her waist as he did so. She smiled and kissed him back the press catching glimpse of this and taking a barrage of photos

"My love you did amazingly and you look breathatking" he said to her. she blushed deeply and looked to the floor

 "You know were in public right? your emotions are showing" she said with a giggle. Draco rolled his eyes and laughed softly. 

"your right." he took a deep inahle and stood up straight. He wore an all black suit with a light blue tie that matched her dress. The festivities began and the young COUPLE did just what she said in her moving speech. They danced TOGETHER they ate together took photo's with diplomats with important poloticians and even some doreign royalties all of which praising such a good job she was doing at running such an important organization at her young age.

Once they were able to slip away the young lovers escaed to the balcony. The marble floor reacted with her heels making a soft clicking sound and the warm summer breeze danced in her hair and made her dress flow beautifully. The young couple forgot who they were for the night, forgot what their trounles were and forgot ther identity.

Drco whisked (f/n) eleganly around as the danced to the distant ballroom music. His hand on the small of her back he pulled her into another passionate kiss. (F/n)'s arms snaked around hs neck pulling him even closer and his hand weasled lower onto her body making her squeel as he groped her rear softly. She pulled away with a giggle and playfuly smacked his hand away from her.

"You forget that there is a ballroom full of important dignitaries below" (f/n) said with a smile and still he shrugged "They all think lowly of me right now anyway, why not lower it a bit more" he grinned mischeviously "Oh you blimey weasel" she reponded with a giggle but then leaed into his ear "There's a bathroom not to far, if i sneak in first and you come in a few minutes after-" He laughed a hardy laugh "now who's the weasel" he kissed his fiance again and then let her walk off into their rondevous he waited a whie before entering the bathroom and locking the door.

She wrapped her arms around his neck " Fancy meeting you here" she eaid "Same for you" he responded and then kissed her wrist all the way to the nap of her neck. He stood there nibbling at her tenderflesh earning a few moans from the slightly agape mouth of (f/n) 

The heat rushed to her face as hs warm tounge pulsated gently up to her ear. The action scent shivers down her spne and the pair went back to kissing. His hand ran its way up her smooth (sc) leg to her thighs and traced circles on her plump rear, his member grew erect ad the young couple copulated in the bathroom right under the noses of everyone.

Though it hadnt occured to the malfoy boy to wear a rubber, he figured he would be able to unseath himself and climax on her leg instead but oh how wrong was that thought. Especially in a scinario ike this he released his seed into her.

The young couple forgot a few things tonight, one being who they were, two being protection and three being consiquence.



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