One More Time

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A/N: Hi everyone, I can't believe this is the 50th chapter, it has been such a long road!

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Colin asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No I'm fine, honestly" F/n said as she tried to dress Pandora was getting fussy. She didn't care for dressing time. "Pandora, love don't be cheeky" F/n said before blowing a raspberry on Pandoras hand. The infant smiled and cooed and was calmed by her mother.

Colin sighed and watched in admiration, "Well, alright then I'll head on out to help the marauders" He put on his jacket and kissed f/n's cheek tenderly.

"Please be safe Colin, I'll see you soon, okay?" she said softly as he nodded and walked off into the evening.

F/n continued to dress Pandora and once she was ready, she fed her and put her down for a nap. F/n paced while she slept wondering when Draco would come.

f/n went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, why was she so nervous? So fussy over her looks. she took her wand and put it to her face making a very light makeup to hide the bags under her eyes she gained from motherhood. She also took a brush to her h/l raven hair.

The doorbell rang and f/n felt her heart skip several beats as she opened the door. She came face to face with Draco who had his eyes on her and vice versa.

She looks great Draco thought to himself as they looked each other over. I thought this would be easier

"Don't just stand there, come inside" f/n said gently with a soft smile. He stepped in and handed her some wrapped gifts. The majority was for Pandora of course but one was for her, he  read what a new mother might experience and what would help her so he purchased an array of things to help her.

"Thank you" she said gently accepting the boxes. "Pandora is down for a nap but should be awake in about 30 minutes for her 6pm bottle. She will be up until about 930" f/n continued. "You did arrive a bit earlier then I expected" she admitted. 

"I-I apologize for my haste, I really wanted to see you-her...I really wanted to meet her" he coughed slightly to cover his blunder.

"Well we have some time to catch up don't we? I'll go put on some tea you can take a seat in the family room" she said gently walking to kitchen. She quickly made them tea and brought it back to him.

When she came back to the room there was an extravagant bouquet of flowers on the table. Of course he did.

"I got these for you"

"You didn't have to" she said honestly with a small sigh "listen I-"

"I know your with Colin, it wasn't meant to be disrespectful but you deserve it, f/n you deserve the world" Draco said gently. "You really do"

F/n gulped gently and looked to the floor. "Uh, thank you Draco" she said inhaling sharply.

"I haven't seen you this nervous since we first me, you can relax. It's just me" He responded with a small smile. He said this not only for her but for himself two. He was perhaps just as nervous as she.

"I know it's just, I can't help but feel the uh, shift in our dynamic, you know?" She said gently "things have changed and it's a little difficult to navigate"

"Right-I realize my actions bear their consequences and there is no amount of apologizing I can do to try and mend it"

F/n nodded and like clockwork Pandora cried. Draco sprang to his feet and followed quickly behind f/n who picked her up swiftly. Once she picked Pandora up the crying calmed.

The infant cooed softly and looked at the unfamiliar face behind her mothers. Draco's eyes widened as he looked at pandora the sweet child had inherited his features but her mothers stark raven hair.

"That's her?" He asked with wide eyes as he stepped closer.

"Yes" F/n said simply. Pandora recognized the voice that spoke and stared at Draco while he stared at her.

"She's beautiful" he said wiping a small tear from the corner of his eye.

"Thank you, would you perhaps like to hold her?"

"Yes" he responded all too quickly.

F/n smiled gently and handed him Pandora who still observed the man's face. "I'm going to make her bottle, you can sit with her in the livingroom if you'd like" she said walking to the kitchen and doing what she said.

Draco nodded smiling down at his little one "hello, Pandora. I'm your father, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you at first" he said gently "but I promise to be there and never miss a moment from now on." He said gently taking her tiny hand and kissing it sweetly.

Pandora smiled at her father and then stuck her hand in his mouth. She was indeed one cheeky baby much like he was.


After F/n put Pandora down to sleep she smiled gently watching Draco kiss Pandoras head tenderly. This felt right but what was she thinking? Wasn't she happy with Colin and all he was for her and all he had done? She was but for some reason being there with Draco felt right.

"You can come back whenever your able, I don't go out much with everything happening now" she admitted.

Draco looked at her understandingly and nodded. He was still a student at Hogwarts and knew full well what was happening. "I can see if your father will allow me to come during the week. I'm sure he won't have too much of an issue"

F/n smiled and nodded "okay, I think you give him way to much slack though, he is after all Severus Snape" she chuckled siting down on the couch.

Draco snorted and laughed as well sitting next to her. "Yeah your right he is a bit of a stickler"

F/n smiled and relaxed into the chair besides him. "I'm sorry it took so long for you to find out, I thought you just wanted to be away from everything"

"No-I, I'm aware this wasn't how you pictured things."

She nodded and looked to the floor "it's getting late perhaps you should head back"

"Your right" Draco said looking at her intently. "I promised your father I wouldn't try and be romantic with you" he said gently "and I will be as respectful as I can but F/n, you don't belong with Colin..." he said sternly as he looked into her eyes.

"Draco, I understand you may feel that way, but right now I'm in a comfortable spot with my life"

Draco looked at her and then looked down understandingly. He wished he could kiss her at-least one more time.


Love and where to Find it (Draco x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن