Come alive

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   Hey my loves so for this chapter I will be doing something a little different, I also figured out a cannon singing voice (if you preffer me to assing it) for you [reader chan!] It's the singing voice of Leona Lewis [one of her super famous songs of all time is bleeding love] so i'm going to insert the audio of the song that that you have something to listen to when you read the last part of the chapter. The song should play as you read. At the last part of the chapter your; traped in between the physcal and spirital orld so you are able to walk around as a sirit and no one can see or hear you. Heavy stuff ikr?? If you dont like the fact that I chose her voice to be your singing voice then I'm sorry!! Just replace it whith whoever you want to or even yourself if you have that amazing and incredble talent!!! Thank you so much for stiing along for the ride so far ad I hope you enjoy the bit of drama that is going to happen!!!


    Drastic changes were happening rules implimented and one specific thing that was very peculiar-No practicing magic in the defesense of dark arts class. NO combative skills, peers were being punished for literally anything. Umbridge really made things difficult for the 5th years especially.

"This is stupid" Alison said reading over her notes. "What the hell do I do if theres a damn home invasion of death eaters?" She asked with a frown. (F/n) nodded in agreeement.

"I find her rather refreshing; if you ask me" Draco chimed in as he walked intomthe slytherin common room.

"Refreshing? Any particular reason why?" Ali asked rolling her eyes.

"I dont have to give you my reasons Flint" He said matter of factly, he said it in a tone that made alison growl and clentched her fists.

"Draco, that wasn't called for" (f/n) said with a slight frown.

Draco groaned and rolled his eyes.

"No no, thats okay (f/n), I'll just be leaving. George is waiting for me" Ali said lowly and left in a huff.

   She was being nice to Draco, or atleast keeping it plesant for the sake of (f/n). Ali felt that her best friend deserved some stability. As a matter of fact ali thought (f/n) was entitled to it. (f/n) had been through enough; and his meant sacrifices. Even though it hurt everylast part of her being, her pride, but (fn) deserved atleast that.

(F/n) looked over at draco with hurt eyes and sat besides him

"Anyting you wish to talk about? You and I?" she asked sofltly.

"(f/n) I'm a man. A man that doesnt wish to be corrected publically by his girlfriend. Umbridge's ways are very Outdated to some, but her classical ways I find are a breath of fresh air"

"What do you mean, Draco? That i should dress in bright shades of pink and just blindley follow orders from a man thats slightly diluted? Because if thats the case I'm already half way there"

Draco scoffed

"I thought we were passed this," He said lowly

"Passed what?"

"This, the arguing, the bickering. The damn nagging."

"Draco," She said softly "Something like what has happened, like whats currently happening takes its toll, even on the best of couples. You are under stress and so am I, but that doesnt justify how your attitude has been. Now whatever this is, whatever you think this is; wont just go away. We have to talk about it, talk about our feeling tallk about whats bothering us and keeing us from moving foward. You cant block me out Draco." She said while lifting her hand and showing him her ring "We're in this together, Till death does us part We love each other dont let whatever is eating you dilude that"

Love and where to Find it (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now