Dissapointments among Pleasantries

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Snape held his daughter in his arms and stroked her hair, trying to comfort her as best to his abilities. She was very distraught after hearing the whole truth and Severus knew she would despise him, but he was also hopeful that after the initial hurt, she would come around. For a long while, he didn't want to interrupt her thoughts and remained silent, but after so long, he needed to try and explain himself.

"I'm sorry that I could not change their minds, I've failed you again," he said grimly.

(F/N) sniffled and wiped her eyes. "No, you cant fail me more then what you already have by not being present,” she retorted.

Those words drove daggers into his already fragile heart, but he didn't let it show. He simply let her go. "Well then, I apologize for not being present until now. You have your news, is there anything else you may need?" (F/N) blinked and wiped her tears.

"No, I'll be going on my way now, Draco is waiting for me." She gave a small smile, thinking about him.

With a single nod of his head, he stood from his seat and walked her toward the door. “Be careful,” was all he said, then watched her leave and sighed.

The long walk from his office to dinner felt like an eternity. She had time to try and process the entire story, especially since she didn't want the others asking questions about her plummeting mood, so she slipped into the girls lavatory to wash her face and calm the redness in her cheeks before returning to her friends. (F/N) made her way to the grand hall and sat besides Alison, who was saving her a seat beside her. She had already filled u her plate with her second helping of food. Tearing into a biscuit, Alison looked over at her friend and smiled.

"How did it go? Did you find out anything?"

(F/N) shook her head "No, not much. He and my mother were together for a night, and she left the country without looking back. He didn't know about me at all. He didn't give me a reason why she left, either." (F/N) lied about the last part. Severus told her everything, and she hated admitting it, but her mother was right; having her father apart of her life would only complicated things.

"Well, I'm sorry," Alison said hugging her friend sweetly. "So, you and Malfoy huh?" She asked, changing the subject to cheer up her friend.

"Uh, yes. We're dating, kind of. He's kissed me." She looked away and blushed for a moment.

"I heard. I'm sure your roommate must hate you even more, now."

"Honestly I don't think that is humanly possible," (F/N) laughed and Ali smiled in return, happy to see her friend smile. Draco then approached the group sitting at the table and sat down across from (F/N), and Ali just sighed, slightly annoyed by his presence.

"My parents have approved," he began as (F/N) arched a brow, "of us. They actually want to buy you your dress for the Ball as a token of well wishes.”

(F/N) blushed even more and looked at him awkwardly. "You know that's a few months away, there isn't any rush. And plus Ali and I wanted to shop for gowns together." Alison looked over at Draco with a scowl.

"Well I don't see why Alison shouldn't accompany you. It can be like a trip with you all."

"Yeah, no thanks, I don't want to spend time with one Malfoy, why the heck would I want to spend a day shopping with more than one?"

Draco furrowed his brows at her comment. "Suit yourself. (F/N), you should send me your measurements though, so I can send them to my parents. I promise I won't peek at your bust size," he teased.

(F/N) blushed deeply and laughed nervously, one that Draco thought was rather cute. He smiled at her, but Alison crossed her arms. "You know she doesn't have to send your parents her size, she can buy the dress on her own, with ME."

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