Yule' Dance tonight

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A/N: Well It's finally here!! The Yule ball!! And soon we will get close to their first love scene!!! I hope you've enjoyed the romantic friction between (F/N) and Draco.

(F/N) finished doing her best friends makeup and ran to her room to start getting ready herself. With only a few more hours to go, she couldn't help but find herself jittery. She figured a warm shower would help her calm down, and it was the most relaxed she had been. (F/N) dried off her body and decided to wear silky lacy black underwear, the type she ordered from a cataloger without her mother knowing. Yes...she knew Draco wasn't the type of young man to ever make her feel pressured into having sex, but tonight felt special, so she figured to play it safe.

She looked once more at the elegant dress Narcissa had so thoughtfully picked out for her. Smiling to herself, (F/N) thought about the letter that was included with the package. 'I wonder how Draco was before I was in the picture. was he truly as mad as how Harry explained to me?' she thought as she had begun putting on the navy gown. The color looked really well against her (s/c) complexion.


Dear Narcissa,

Thank you so much for the well wishes and the blessing. Though I may not have known Draco for long, I hope the relationship we have will further blossom into something beautiful. With your well wishes it only makes things better. I cannot wait to meet you and your husband during the summer holiday.


(F/N) (M/N) (L/N)


Dear (F/n),

We are very excited to meet you in person as well, please bring proper dress robes for you to change in at the manor. We will be celebrating Draco's birthday with a ball. Only exclusive pureblood families are allowed to attend. We did invite your mother but as to her past I am not sure she will be attending. Though regardless of what she has done and who she has betrayed you are always welcome in our home.


Narcissa Malfoy


(F/N) smiled, almost completely dressed, and she sat in front of the small vanity in the room and began to meticulously do her makeup. Everything had to be perfect and after a few hours, she was done. She started over about 3 times, but with the finished result, she couldn't be happier. She took her wand and pointed it to her head and imagined a hairstyle; a half up do fit perfectly.

(F/N) took the intricate diamond necklace out of the box and put it on as carefully as she could. She looked like visiting royalty and with her family's signature heirloom jewel she was. She did the last finishing touches, putting on her shoes and gloves and the packed Draco's Christmas gifts in her small purse. She hopped her would love it, it took her a really long time to pick it out. Emerald and white gold cuff links with a matching ring. She smiled and sprayed on some perfume and walked to meet Ali down the hall who had finished getting ready the same time she did.

"Oh my gosh (F/N), you look completely hot. Like, I totally have a girl boner right now. I mean that in the most nicest way possible." (F/N) laughed at her best friend.

"You're not half bad looking either. So what are we going to do, ditch our dates to be stunning together?"

Ali giggled and the two best friends waked from the dorm and into the common room where Draco had been waiting for his date. Stars lit up in his eyes when he saw her.

"Oh wow.." He said quietly to himself.

"Oh wow indeed." Crabbe said.

"I regret not asking Alison to be my date...she is stunning."

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