The Maleficent Malfoys

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      Draco sighed looking out the window as he saw a cart appear. His mother nor any of the servants had told him to expect anyone so he was still in his pajamas. Though even in his pajamas he was prim and proper as a Malfoy should be.
    He wore a frowned expression on his face in stead of his stoic one these days. It had been three weeks since the debacle at the ministry of magic, three weeks since Voldemort attempted to sexually assault his fiance, three weeks since said fiance attempted suicide three weeks since his life seemed to crumble.
   The Maleficent Malfoy was now what the latest paper said as he kept up with the investigation. He sighed when a house elf knocked on his door.

   "Young Master" said Sterling, the house elf "Young master A miss (l/n) is here to see you, and it seems she is staying a few days"

Draco perked up from reading his paper.

   "Are you sure?" He asked with a scowl

   "Pretty sure young master" sterling responded as he dragged the trunk along.

   "May I enter" spoke the soft voice of (f/n). Draco sprung out of his chair and ran to hold his fiance, this had been the first time he'd seen her since her attempt to take her life.

   "(F/n)" he said holding her, she relaxed in his arms holding him as well, she nuzzled his neck and he kissed the top of her forehead. The pair hadent realised that tears streamed from both their eyes.

   "I'm here now, I'm sorry" (f/n) said gently her voice cracking

   "You have nothing to be sorry for...I was scared that I would never get you back but your here. I'm sorry that I couldnt be there for YOU" Draco said stroking her hair "I'm so sorry" he apologized again sniffling.

  "Oh come now Draco, your going through hell...I know you need me and I may be able to pull myself together for you in this crisis but, I'm still not at 100"

    "You dont have to be at 100, you take your time and you get better. I'm so genuinely happy that you are here"

"You keep me Grounded, Draco"

   "We keep eachother grounded" Draco responded kissing (f/n) softly on the forehead. Her body tensed but relaxed as she told herself that she was okay, she was safe in Draco's arms.

   Snape cleared his throat from behind the couple and (F/n) walked to stand besides her father.

"We are here for you, Draco" Snape said looking at the malfoy heir.

   In the few short weeks that had passed Draco had slimmed down a bit. (F/n) had noticed it in his jawline  it had become more sharp.

"You know when I would feel in a mood, my mother would make the best stew" (f/n) said twiddling with her fingers.

"A stew in this heat?" Draco asked with an arched brow, but inhaled and exhaled "of course, (f/n) I'll tell my house elves to start cooking it"

"No," she interjected "I'm going to cook it."

"Are, are you sure?" he asked looking at (f/n) concerned

"Yes, I'll be fine, I'm excited actually, yuve never tasted my home cooking before."

Snape placed a hand on her shoulder 

"Sureley if you need hep I will assist"

"Than I suppose I will go get dressed, oh and (f/n) he said quiety he is near" Daco said hinting that ord voldemort was staying somewhere in malfoy manor.

(F/n)'s eyes widened. "I would feel better if you stood with me right father." she said to snpe her hands trembled slightly.

"Of couse love" Snape said looking at his daughter.

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