Times of the past, Days of the future

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A/N: There will be mild sexual content featured in this chapter, so please do not continue reading if you're uncomfortable with physical relations.

Edited by @Tinalbion


(F/N) sat across from Snape, wearing the same frown as his. "This must come as a shock to you but I don't really care for the fact that I am your daughter, nor do I care that you are my professor," she began as Snape sighed and folded his arms, not very amused. As she began to scold him, he was brought back to the past. Hundreds of questions came to mind while looking at her, but never once did he think that (F/N) couldn't be his. There was no denying it.

"(F/N), I am quite positive that you must completely despise me and who I am, but your behavior in my class should not be based on personal vendetta. I fully expect you to be a responsible student and a phenomenal witch. I reviewed your record from Ilvermorney, and you excelled in potions, charms and transfiguration. I want you to be the student you were. Hardworking and respectful. Now if you want to discuss more personal matters, we can make the time outside of my class. If you disrespect me again while I am teaching, I will deduct massive points from Slytherin."

(F/N) looked at Snape, probably the same way her mother did years ago. "I want to talk about personal matters then."

Snape looked at her and lifted an eyebrow "Alright then, we can," he responded. (F/N) closed his door and walked to him. She took off her robe and rolled up her sleeve. Snape had to squint to see the insignia, but it was there, faded because the Dark Lord hadn't returned, but present enough for him to see.

"Can you tell me why I am marked?" She asked with saddened eyes.


"Clarissa, you aren't thinking straight. You serve the Dark Lord, and leaving now will be useless!" Narcissa said to her sweet friend, following closely behind her. They had arrived behind the shielding walls of a familiar alleyway, where the darkness hid them from wandering eyes.

"Narcissa you don't understand, what will this mean for our future, for our children and their children after? My God, I killed someone innocent today. What about his family?" Clarissa cried into her hands. "This was all fun and games until you actually do the act. I don't think I can do this. I love our cause, but not if it means taking lives!"

Narcissa sighed rubbing Clarissa's back comfortingly. "I know its hard love, but once you've had time to sleep, I am sure you will be back to your normal self." Clarissa hugged Narcissa tightly and exchanged their goodnights. She couldn't go home, not now. She couldn't sleep knowing that this was the cause all along, that this was to be her faith and now, regrettably, the way of life for her generation after.

After a few minutes of wandering around made her way to Severus's home. Though her and Narcissa were close, he was her best friend. She knew him like the back of her hand and he knew her like his. She loved him with all of her heart as well, and always sought him to be a husband she could dream of having. This never happened though, especially since Severus's heart belonged to that blasted Muggle-born, Lily Evans. She was the reason why Clarissa chose to serve the Dark Lord; the keen sting of jealousy.

How dare Lily throw away the one thing she couldn't have, and Clarissa's anger grew when she thought of how thiswitch so willingly chose to break Severus's heart with every chance she had gotten. Spiteful that Lily got everything she wanted; the heart of Severus, a home and a loving husband. Because of this envy she felt towards her, this anger and this spitefulness, she killed a man.

"Severus, open the door." She said firmly as she knocked, as if it wasn't up for debate. A few had minutes passed until he arrived at the door, then opened it slowly, still in his night robes. "I know its very late and I'm sorry, I-"

Love and where to Find it (Draco x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora