Of Loss and Letters, Over come

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Draco looked himself in the mirror skin pale, he lost alot of weight since the incident and the sentencing. Not only did he lose his father he lost his child, he lost his status credibility at such a young, very young age. He wasnt allowed to grieve either, not his father nor his child, nor anything the young man may have lost. So he began to hate, hate himself hate his namesake hate his 'boss's even more so hate Harry potter.


The ride back to hogwarts was a lonley one for the malfoy boy as (f/n) still was sick from the merciless killing of their child, severus stated that she would be returning within the first month. Thus Draco had found himself alone, actually alone for the first time in a few years. Alone with his thoughts and alone with his burden.

"Let's just say I dont see myself here in hogwarts for another 2 years" he stated to Pansy who was sitting across from him with her boyfriend blaze. The statuesque young man was aware that he was being spied on by potter and waited for everyone to leave before casting his spell and breaking Potters nose with his foot.

A slight pang of guilt hit Draco as he walked off but soley because he knew if his beloved were to find out she would be very cross at him, but she wasnt there, and wouldnt be for a few weeks.

During the beginning speech he stared aloofly at dumbledoor  his mind elsewhere. Potter staired at him from afar with equally as hateful eyes.

"Have you seen (f/n)?" Harry asked his friends

"I heard that she wont be starting until later on in the year, that she had fallen very I'll this past week and couldnt travel. Though with snape as her father she wont be behind on the school work" Hermione said stealing glances at ron.

"Oh, I hope she returns soon. She could keep her dog on a leash" Harry muttered grumpily as he referred to Draco.


  Dearest (f/n),

It is me again, your loving fiance, the year simply is not the same without you. I need you-we need each other now more then ever. Words cannot describe how lonley it is here and I cannot begin to imagine how lonley you are as well.

Please get well soon, and respond.

                                         Yours truley,
                                           Draco Malfoy


      Dear (f/n),

Professor snape has announced that you have taken very ill before the start of the school year. With that being so he seems even more unpleasant than usual. I didnt think it was possible but apparently it was. Haha, you should see the poor suffering first years the look of dread on their faces coming from your fathers class. I find myself rumbling. I just want to wish you a well recovery please return soon. Your boyfriend is, as well meaner and I said before with you in his life hes become slightly more tolerable. I also cant help but worry as well. I know you to be a very strong and resilient witch whatever has you on a sickbed must be serious. I cannot imagine how bored you must be so i sent you some gobestones. You should practice so we could have our fair rematch.

                                          Harry Potter


    Dear (f/n),

Its Collin, I find myself writing because I am very, very worried. So is Alison. You've yet to respond to any of her letters and well given your relationship with her I thought she would be atleast top priority with you. Draco is unbelievably intolerable at the moment and I doubt it's because that's just who he is. He is worried to meaning he hasnt heard from you either.

I know the chances are slim of you writing back to me but since were not very close maybe it would be easier to open up, you get an honest unbiased opinion and unbiased empathy.

  Get well soon.

                                                    With love,
                                                  Colin Flint


Get up (f/n) thought to herself, but her body would betray her. She was dead weight, a literal lump on her bed. Everyone has their breaking point, Greive a d then move on. Greive and then live a day at a time. Greive and realise that your life is not your own. You have people to live for, get up.

A strained cry left her mouth as she gathered the strength to sit up. Her body felt like bricks  each step she took out of her bed felt like a thousand. You live for your future happiness she thought to herself as she made sluggish steps to her window.

She didn't feel it but tears were streaming down her eyes. The pain she felt in her body, mental. This was rock bottom this was how far depression was going to take her but no more. No more will she feel bound. Yes each day will be difficult but do not worry about tomorrow for today is not over. One of her favorite biblical verses, that's it.

Take it one day at a time, each day has it's own battle and each day she wakes up triumphant because she is a winner. She won by opening her eyes and taking her morning breath. She won by not letting despair take an attempt at her life again she wakes up and gets a little more will to live.

Over come. (F/n) has lost so much, no more. Each day new letters flood into her windows from worried friends and associates, she wont burn her bridges any further. Today she will respond. And today she responds to her best friend Alison and Alison's younger brother. Tomorrow she will respond to Draco, tonight she celebrates having get out of the bed and will eat actual food, will actually bathe instead of being baithed by the house elves; she wills it and so it shall be done.



I am so very sorry from the whole entirety of my heart that I've caused so much worry. Yes I've been ill but I am starting to feel myself again. I'll be returning to hogwarts sooner then expected.

I know you want to know what illness has taken me out, and once I am at hogwarts we will speak about it. I missed you very dearly and I cant wait to see you again. I know words cant make up for all of the sorey I've caused so I'd understand if you were cross with me. I love you and I dont want this to hinder our friendship.

                                              With love,


    "Colin! What did you write in your letter?" Alison asked waving down her brother during lunch. "(F/n) finally responded and I cant help but think it's your doing....colin?" Alison placed a hand on her brothers shoulder. Color seemed to be drained from his face.

In his hand he held his responce from (f/n) on it the reason why she was out.  I was pregnant, fell I'll and the fever made my body intolerable. I lost the baby. Atleast that was the excuse she wrote. Please do not tell your sister. I will tell her when I arrive to hogwarts. Thank you for your letter. I will see you soon!

"Colin?" Alison called again, he smiled at her and hugged her tightly

"I'm just so happy that (f/n) will be back." He hide the letter in his back pocket  "yea brother. Me too" Alison responded teary eyed.



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