Farewells with Grace

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     Finals were over and it was time for the end of the year feast. There was a long moment of silence for the fallen student Cedric Diggory, and it had been hard for most of the students to even accept his death. Cedric was a beloved friend and an exceptional student, they suffered a great loss. (F/N) sat silently with her head down and she gripped her skirt nervously, feeling somewhat responsible for his death. Draco held her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled back at him and sighed gently. After the moment of silence, they were free to eat. (F/N) wasn't in the mood to eat, she was ridiculously nervous about staying at the Malfoy's house. She loved the dress her mother picked out for her, but it still didn't calm her nerves much. Yes, she did spend a weekend there before, but this was a whole new situation. She was going to meet the elite of the elite pureblood families as well as some of the most important people in the Death Eater society. Although it didn't truly matter to her, she still felt for the sake of Narcissa and Lucius that she should try to make herself presentable.

"So, what are your plans for the summer holiday?" Alison asked her best friend.

"Well, I'm spending a few days with Draco at his family's home, and then move back into my mothers' old mansion. Severus- I mean my father," she corrected herself, "feels that I am responsible enough to live on my own, but if I ever need anything, that he isn't far away." She smiled. "I am also paying trips to all of my mothers' old business associates with the chairmen your family set me up with, just so they know my face."

"Sounds like a very busy summer, are you ever going to get a break to relax and be an actual teenager?" Alison said slightly annoyed that her best friend had to grow up so fast.

"There is going to be plenty time for that! Every weekend, I am going to throw a party and experience life." Alison looked at her friend with an arched brow then they both started laughing, knowing that (F/N) wouldn't do any of that.

"You're always welcome to stay with my family if you get lonely from boring old Severus and the posh prince Draco," Alison joked and (F/N) giggled.

"Of course I won't mind spending a weekend at your house. You're my best friend, silly!"

Alison smiled happily. "We can plan a beach trip!"

"Of course! Perhaps for my birthday- that is if Severus has nothing planned."

Ali nodded and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm going to miss you, (F/N), you better call me every chance you get!"

"Alison Flint, would you stop that! You act like we're never going to see each other again." Ali and (F/N) laughed together. Draco smiled, admiring how graceful and adorable (F/N) was.


The ride on the train was long, but (F/N) slept through most of it. Draco smiled and stroked her hair sweetly as she did so, but gently shook her shoulder. "(F/N), we're here," he said and kissed her ear. She opened her glassy (E/C) eyes slowly and let out a soft yawn.

"I never get tired of waking up to you saying my name," she teased, which made Draco chuckle.

"Me either. You have all of your things, yeah?" (F/N) nodded and sighed, stretching her arms over her head. "(F/N)," he said seriously, "you're going to be fine tonight."

She turned her head to face him and looked down at the floor. "You know, I have no doubt that my manners will take me far. It's not that I am worried about. My mother left me something to prove to the people attending tonight; that is what I'm nervous about. Letting her down, giving them more fuel to talk badly about how she shamed the family name. They need to see that despite what she had done in her past, she has raised a beyond capable heiress. They also need to believe that I will never desert." Draco nodded and stood up, placing a hand on the small of her back.
"I assure you, you're everything and then some," he said reassuringly and placed a gentle kiss on the side of her head.

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