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For you my love, the one always standing silently by my side. Never asking anything for return. For you, for you hold my soul and me within the palm of your hands, darling. For you, whom I have given myself to.

Taehyung took Jungkook on the banks of the Han river on their friendship date. Both of them were coincidentally dressed opposite to each other. Tae in cream silk and Kook in black cotton. Maybe, their colour had nothing to do with their character or maybe everything. They didn't know of it was the magic of the night of the place but they felt insanely closer to each other. Jungkook chose the spot to sit. Exactly where Tae had gone down the road. On the horizon he could see the waves slightly getting bumby and smoothening out themself as if the creases on Tae's forehead when he thought deeply about something.

Kook knew this was supposed to be the date where Tae told.him about his experiences bit the night was young and so was the couple. They held each other's hands and sometimes not even that. Just the close proximity enough to make them both happy about their presence together. Kook had missed this in the last month. Just being... Existing... Breathing with Tae how it made him feel better. How it made him human instead of the robot he usually was.

In the dead of the night, they turned their trousers and lower up and soaked their naked feet in the water. It was calm and soothing. Kook ayed some sweet ambient music on his phone and exchanged glances between the moon and his husband. Every stroke, every line, every spot on his husband's face. Committing it to memory. As if if he didn't remember it in his eyes... Tae would fade away. He put his hands over Tae's and strokes his fingers and thumbs tracing his skin. Trying to remember the patterns. Softly touching his hands. He touched where Tae had eaten his nails and there were spots... Where the flesh had been ripped away. Kook kissed his hands.. especially the spots that had faced Tae's anxiety. Kook gently kissed each and every inch of tae's hands and then moved away. Not even pretending to look at the moon now. He lifted his feet out of the water. And sat cross legged facing Tae.

Tae winked his brow silently asking what was going on in his mind and that why was he staring at him. Kook just smiled and shook his head.

Tae copied his moments. Taking out his feet from the water, he faced Kook and Kook went back to learning the sides and shades of Tae's face . In this moment, on a small stair of a river, Kook felt home. He felt more home than he had ever felt anywhere. He was in front of a man he loved. Who by some miracle and strock of luck loved him back.

He sat with this man in the night and he let him see him into his soul and hold his hands without any expectations or explanation just letting him do what he wanted. Kook came closer. He took his fingers and traced his fingers with a feathery touch on Tae's face. Recognising the spots he had made out with his face by touch. Slowly, he moved back.

Tae looked at Kook trying to understand what he wanted. Till, suddenly he realised kook didn't intend to anything. He merely meant to live in the moment.

Outside of where they were sitting, they had two businesses and family and friends to handle and to whom they were accountable. But here, together, alone... They were just Taehyung and Jungkook. Just two men in love. Kook worshipped the smile on Tae's face like a starved worshipped for food.

There was no need for words or communication. The silence was golden. Each understood the other. Just Jungkook and Taehyung. No third person between company between them. No fight looming large on their heads. No worry of future over their heads. They could be anyone. They could be the children whose childhood was taken away from them or they could be the mature young bots goofing around crazy and whipped in love. They could be anyone or anything. But they were being them.

That night a silent agreement passed between them, that's who they would always be together. Just Jungkook and Taehyung. Both were allowed to be children. Both were allowed to be grown ups. Both were allowed to switch roles as oon as they liked. Both of them could be anything and everything they hid from their world..bith of them could be their own selves. One wounded by the intensity of his won emotions eating him from inside and another trying to handle everything at once and yet feeling like he was failing at everything. They could be stubborn. They could be moody. They could be pouty. They could be whiny. They could be in love. They could be them.

Without judgement, without fears, without stress. Just them. An invisible bubble around them lathering them in happiness and love.

Two men who didn't want to take on the world but we're forced to. Two men who didn't feel ready to be married but were. Two men who didn't indent to fall on love but did.

Two men who didn't mean to make the other the reason of their very being but they did. Kook leaned closer to Tae and slowly and gently kissed him. As if telling him that he was ready. Ready to be a safe space to him. Ready to be soemone whom Tae could trust and let his guard down in front of. Ready to be the person who provided him solace. Ready to free him from his responsibility. Ready to share his burden becuase it wasn't his alone to carry. It was never his to carry around in the first place. Ready to be the partner he needed even though he fucked up and would fuck up. But ready to be there. Ready to be someone who would fight, laugh, cry, smile and get frustrated with Tae but never leave him.

Kook was ready to be Tae's person.

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