Chapter 1

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I'm back with yet another hosie family fic since all my readers love them...

Also if this is your first time reading one of my stories make sure to leave a follow!

Josie tapped her hand against the case of her instrument as she waited for her mom and sister to pick her up, she had been at band camp away from them for nearly three months.

This has been the longest she had been away from her family ever, but they had insisted she go to the camp, knowing how much Josie loved music.

As she went to check the time on her phone something caught her eye, when she looked over she saw an auburn-haired girl putting suitcases and a guitar case into a red car before she went over and hugged a blonde man.

As if sensing her gaze the girl looked over at Josie and gave her a quick wink before getting into the car with the blonde and driving away.

Josie took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she got flashbacks of two bodies glued together as they engaged in a heated kiss and practically tore each other's clothes off.

"Josie," a voice said, the brunette too caught up in her memory to even comprehend who was saying it.

"Jo!" the voice said louder finally getting the girl's attention.

Josie looked around before her gaze stopped on her sister who was standing by their family's minivan.

"Lizzie!" the brunette shot up from where she was sitting and ran into her sister's open arms, bringing her into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much" Josie smiled.

"I missed you too Jo" Lizzie held her tighter.

"What am I chopped liver?" the girl heard another voice and looked over to see her mom step out of the car.

"Mom!" Josie let go of Lizzie and hugged her mom.

"Hi baby" she held her close.

When they pulled away Caroline went for Josie's suitcase while Lizzie grabbed her instrument.

"So I was thinking since it's your first night back that we go pick up some Chinese food and have a movie marathon," her mom said opening the trunk.

"That sounds perfect," she said before her smile suddenly went away "uh... do you think we could stop by the store first?"

"For what?" Caroline said as they got into the car.

"Oh... you know I just want to get some snacks for the movie marathon..." she chuckled awkwardly.

"Alright baby anything for you."

Josie stood in the feminine hygiene section and looked at the shelf awkwardly as she looked at the different prices of all the brands.

"Would you like some help young lady?" an older woman asked.

"Uh-" the brunette looked at the woman and then to the shelf.

The woman followed her gaze "they all work the same, good luck dear" she squeezed her shoulder before continuing down the aisle.

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