Chapter 28

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The first few days of parenting have been interesting, to say the least. Hope went into this thinking they'd have calm babies seeing as she and Josie are pretty calm laid back people but boy was she wrong.

"Please calm down baby, momma doesn't know what you want," she said as she rocked her crying newborn.

The little boys crying only continues to get louder until Josie came out of their room, slowly closing the door.

"Let me see him," the brunette said, bags already under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

"I've got it, get some sleep," Hope said still rocking the baby.

"He's probably hungry, and I just got Andrea down, I don't want him waking her up," Josie said holding her hands out for the baby. Hope sighed and placed the baby in the brunette's arms.

Josie pulled her shirt up and pulled down her nursing bra, not even caring that Hope was right there. The brunette sat down and began feeding Lucas.

Hope directed her gaze at the ceiling.

"I don't think I've ever been so tired in my whole life," the taller girl said looking down at her son who was still nursing.

"Me either" Hope rubbed her eyes and looked down "I don't know how we are going to do it, plus school... seems impossible."

"It does" Josie nodded in agreement "but we'll figure it out... together" the brunette looked up at her giving her a small smile to which she returned.

When the baby unlatched and began to doze off Josie pulled her shirt down and gently stood up and walked to their room where the brunette slowly laid Lucas in his cot.

"The doctor said sleep when the babies sleep... let's go," Josie said taking Hope's hand and leading her toward the bed where she crawled onto followed by the auburnette who wrapped her arms around the girl's waist and resting her chin on the girl's shoulder. Both girls fell asleep almost instantly.

The following day Hope and Josie had to take the twins for their one-week checkup.
The doctor wanted to check on their weight and see how they were doing.

The new parents were sitting in the waiting room with a few other parents until they finally heard their children's names called.

"Andrea and Lucas Mikaelson?" the nurse said and looked up from her clipboard.

Hope and Josie each took a car seat and made their way to the examination room where they took the babies out of their car seats, and took them out of their onesies, leaving the babies in their diapers.

The twins didn't seem to like this, they started crying and kicking their small legs.

The doctor came in at that exact moment "don't worry little ones, I'll only be a moment" the old man said before looking at them "I'm going to be doing a weight check alright?"

Hope and Josie both nodded.

The doctor picked up Andrea and gently set her on the scale that was on the counter once he saw her weight, he wrote it down before handing her back to Josie and taking their son's weight.

Once the doctor was done with both of their weight he looked up to the two of them "well it looks like both babies have lost weight."

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