Chapter 34

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Thank-you all for 20k on this story! here's another chapter in celebration 🥳

"Woah Woah Josie what the hell are you talking about?" Hope says taking the girl's hand only for her to pull back.

"I saw you at a white house, you were with some girl! so don't lie to me."

"You followed me??" Hope shakes her head.

"You are barely home anymore! I wanted to know why... so Lizzie and I followed you... and I saw you so... are you cheating on me" Josie asked looking down.

Suddenly Hope bursts out into laughter chasing Josie to look up at her in confusion "what's so funny? why are you laughing? I'm serious."

"Josie..." she shakes her head trying to stop the laughter "I'm not cheating on you."

"You aren't?"

"Baby no" Hope took her hands and lead her toward the bed "I was going to surprise you but... that lady was a realtor."

"A realtor? for what."

"She was giving me a final look at the house I'm going to buy for our family..." Hope said stroking the girl's hand with her thumb.

"What..." Josie said suddenly feeling stupid for jumping to conclusions. She needs to stop listening to her sister.

"Sure I've loved this apartment, it was the first place the twins have ever lived, it was the place where we made our relationship official... but I want us to have a house, a yard where the kids can play, where we can have our own offices and where I can build them their first tree house" Hope chuckled.

"God... I feel so stupid" Josie covered her face with her hands "I can't believe I just accused you of cheating."

"I don't blame you... it probably looked bad seeing me walk into that house with the relator without any context."

"You are way too nice to me, you're allowed to be mad at me you know," Josie said.

"I know, but I love you way too much to stay mad" Hope grinned and rested her forehead on Josies.

The brunette smiled and leaned in, kissing the girl. When Josie pulled back she looked at her "show me the house."

"Okay well I did take a lot of photos, but I do want to take you 3 there tomorrow and show you it," she said taking out her phone and laying back on the bed followed by Josie who laid her head on Hopes' shoulder, and looked at the screen.

"So I was thinking this could be your office, Dr.Mi- Dr.Saltzman" Hope said scrolling to the photo of a room that had large windows and a view of a garden.

"Andrea please be good for mommy," Josie said trying to get Andrea to stop kicking. The girl was on the verge of throwing a tantrum and they had just arrived at the house.

"Let me see," Hope said taking the girl from Josie "if you calm down momma will take you to target later to get a toy okay?"

The little girl nodded and stopped kicking her feet choosing to look at the door of the white house instead.

"Did you officially buy it?" Josie said as Hope started to open the door.

"I did, just need to have you sign something for the lease and we are good to go," she said opening the door and letting Lucas and Josie in.

"Oh my god," Josie gasped and looked around.

Hope smiled at the woman "if you don't like the color of the walls or the wood floors we can change it, I want it to feel like ours so just let me know."

"It's perfect" Josie kissed her girlfriend.

"No," Lucas said pushing Hope's face away from the brunette. Hope looked at her son with an offended expression.

"I can't kiss your mom?"

"No!" he swatted his hand at her and Josie giggled. "The 2-year-old has spoken, no more kisses for you" the brunette then walked into the kitchen with Lucas in her arms.

"I'll just kiss you when he's asleep."

When Hope, Josie, and the twins walked into the brunette's parents' house they saw Lizzie standing in the kitchen doorway glaring at the shorter girl.

"Did you confront that mut?" the blonde said looking at Hope.

Josie rolled her eyes and set the twins down who ran into the living room "I did, and Hope wasn't cheating."

"But it's nice to know that, that's what you think of me Lizzie" Hope shook her head.

"Then what was she doing with that woman we saw?"

"That woman was a realtor, Hope was buying us a house that she was going to surprise me with but you" she pointed at her sister "got me all paranoid thinking she was cheating and ruined it."

Lizzie's jaw dropped "oh god Jo I'm sorry I looked like she was..."

"It's fine, Hope has forgiven us, but I will never listen to you ever again" the brunette chuckled.

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