Chapter 11

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Before this chapter starts i just wanted to let you know i started a twitter it's justanthergay20 🫶

A few weeks had passed since Josie decided to keep her baby and her stomach had already popped out. The brunette didn't fit into any of her clothes she had to stick to sweatpants and her dad's shirt.

When Josie walked into the kitchen her mom was cooking breakfast while bobbing her head to the music she was playing.

The girl sat down at the counter finally drawing her mom's attention "oh hey baby" she said after she paused her song.

"You hungry?" the blonde asked to which Josie nodded.

Caroline put some eggs and fruit on a plate and slid them across the counter to Josie who immediately started eating.

"We should go get you some new clothes today," the blonde said wiping her hands off on a hand towel.

"Why?" Josie said over a mouth full of eggs.

"Well, I've noticed you aren't fitting into any of your clothes I thought we could go out today and get you some maternity clothes."

"Yeah... okay, I guess we can do that."

"Go get ready, I'll even take us out to lunch later" she squeezed her daughter's shoulder.

The brunette ate the last strawberry on her plate before making her way back to her room, putting on a tank top and putting her hair into a bun.

"Just try it in Josie" Caroline groaned.

"No! it makes it look so obvious! my stomach is poking out I look fat!"

"Just try it on Josie!" she snapped.

"Caroline?" she heard a voice and looked up to see Hope and Hayley walking toward her.

"Hope, it's good to see you..." she said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah... you too..." she said awkwardly.

"I will not be wearing this out in public," Josie said walking out of the dressing room in the top but stopping abruptly when she saw Hope and Hayley.

The brunette looked between the three "what are you doing here-"

"I was shopping with my mom when I saw your mom here... thought I'd say hi?"

Josie just nodded in response.

"Well now that you're here how about we hit the food court, I have some things I need to show you three," Caroline said to them.

"Yeah okay...?" Hope looked to her mom who just nodded.

"Yeah okay I'll get dressed," the brunette said going back into the dressing room.


When they got to the food court and ordered their things they made their way to a table where Hope sat across from Josie, and Caroline sat across from Hayley.

"What did you need to show us?" the older Mikaelson woman said.

Caroline opened her purse and took out an envelope "the paternity test finally came in this morning."

"It came in? why didn't you tell me?" the brunette asked her mom.

"Well I wanted to have both families here but this is better than anything," she said before handing the envelope to Hayley.

The woman tore it open and unfolded the paper, Hope leaned her head on her mom's shoulder as they looked at the results.

Probability of Paternity: 99.99999987%

"I told you," the auburnette said and looked at her mom.

"You did" her mother sighed before looking up at Josie "I'm sorry for doubting you if you felt offended at all I apologize it truly wasn't my intention."

"It's okay, you were just looking out for your daughter, you didn't and probably still don't want her to be a teen parent which I get, you were just trying to do what you thought was best" Josie gave her a look of understanding.

"Well I know you're only four months along but we should probably start making plans for when the baby does end up coming, like how the custody arrangement will work, will Hope be in the room during the birth," Caroline said.

"No offense to either of you," Hope said looking at both of the moms "but I think those are things Josie and I should discuss in private."

"Yeah of course honey, if that's what you both want," the Mikaelson woman said.

"Yeah, that's what we want" Josie nodded.

When they got home Hope helped Josie bring her clothes bags into her room while Caroline and Hayley talked a bit more.

"Thanks," the brunette said and sat on her bed.

"No need to thank me," Hope said, putting her hands in her pocket.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?" the girl asked suddenly.

"I just have this thing, did you need me for something?"

"No, forget it, I'll go alone" she gave her a small smile before pulling out her laptop.

"Josie no what's tomorrow? I can cancel my plans."

"I just have a checkup appointment tomorrow I was gonna ask if you wanted to come but if you have plans it's okay."

"I'll go with you" she immediately said.

"What about your plans?" the brunette raised an eyebrow.

"Canceled, you're more important."


"You and Hope seem to be in a good place," Lizzie said when she walked into the room later that night.

"We are" Josie nodded in agreement "I feel like she's matured a lot since summer."

"I still don't trust her."

"I don't trust her completely but I believe she wants to do what's right and I'm going to let her do that."

"If she abandons you and my niece or nephew I'm getting a knife and cutting her dick off."

"You'll need more than a knife..." Josie said absentmindedly.


"Goodnight Lizzie!" Josie pushed her sister out of the room before climbing into bed.

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