Chapter 21

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This is gonna be a short chapter next one will be longer i promise 😄

A few months had passed, and it was nearing Christmas, the brunette felt bigger than ever. She knew it was a normal part of pregnancy but she missed her body, but it would all be over soon, she was nearly full term. And she was honestly excited to meet her son and to see if he looks like Hope or herself.

And ever since the dinner She and Hope had been looking at apartments together that were near their parent's homes so they could be there if the two needed help.

Josie pretty much loved every place, Hope was the picky one, she always found something wrong with everyone they were shown. The auburn wanted the place to be perfect for their son, she didn't want to settle for a place in her own words.

"I don't think I like this one, the patio door has a broken lock, what if the baby gets it open and falls off the balcony" Hope shook her head "not risking it."


"I'm serious look at the lock it's broken" she gestured to the clear sliding door.

"We could always get a new lock for the patio, and there's always baby gates so he can't get there."

"I know... but I just want things to be perfect you know?"

The brunette took Hopes's hand into her own and squeezed it gently "I know I feel the same way, but I honestly love this place" she looked around "it has three bedrooms, and the color scheme is just how I wanted it."

Hope stood there for a moment staring at the wall in thought before she nodded and looked up at the brunette "all right if you love this place, so will I."

Josie smiled and wrapped her arms around Hope, bringing the girl into a hug "awesome, we should go fill out the paperwork at the apartment's front office."

Hope smiled and nodded before she and Josie walked out and made their way to the desk.

Later that night Hope made her way back home where her parent were already waiting for her. Hayley had made meatloaf and they didn't want to eat without her.

"Sorry I'm late" Hope apologized before sitting down in her seat.

"It's quite alright love," Klaus said before passing around the green beans and mashed potatoes.

"So what did I miss?" Hope looked at the both of them before putting food on her plate and digging right in.

"We were just discussing our trip and how we are going to the Mikaelson cabin for Christmas with the rest of the family," Klaus said after he swallowed his meatloaf.

"Oh yeah, I forgot we were doing that, when are we leaving?"

"In two days, so we make it up there for Christmas eve, your aunts and little Nik are already up there, and Rebekah, marcel, and baby Henrik are on their way up there."

"I should probably let Josie know so she doesn't stop by or text me if she needs something," Hope said going to take out her phone only to be stopped by her parents.

"Actually your mother and I were discussing before you got here, we want you to invite the Forbes-Salvatore to come with us for the holidays."

"Wait really?"

"Yes, really, she will be having our grandson here in a few months which is gonna make them our family, we want to get to know them better, the whole family does" Hayley smiled.

"Okay! yeah, I'll ask them" the shorter girl went to stand up but was pulled back down by Hayley.

"You can after you eat," the brunette said giving her daughter the mom glare.

"Right... yeah okay," Hope sits down and continued eating her meatloaf.

"So what I'm hearing is a free trip," Lizzie said plopping down on the couch and putting an arm around her twin.

"Well, yea, my parents want to use our RV and all of us drive up north to my family's cabin, my family wants to get to know yours better" Hope explained.

"Well, mom can we go?" Lizzie said and she and Josie looked over at Stefan and Caroline.

The two parents looked at each other before looking back at their daughter "well, I don't see why not, it's a pretty good idea, we hardly know Hope or her family."

"Great, I'll tell them and text you all the info" Hope smiled and stood up.

might double update to make up for how bad this one is 😭 (it was a filler chapter to set up next chapter)

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