Chapter 10

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Idk if this triggers anyone but abortion is mentioned in this chapter! so if that triggers you pls don't read!

Josie anxiously tapped her hand on her thigh as she looked around the bright white room, the nurse had just come in and given her a gown to put on for the procedure.

After about ten minutes of sitting there nervously waiting a knock was heard at the door followed by a doctor walking in with what Josie assumed was her file.

"I'm Doctor Lewis I understand you will be having an abortion today?" she looked up from her clipboard.

"Yes ma'am" the brunette bit her lip as she watched the doctor write something down.

"Has anyone told you how this procedure will work, do you know everything that will be happening?"

"No, I was only given a gown and told to wait for you" she swallowed.

Josie closed her eyes as the doctor began explaining how everything would work, the girl felt her hands start to shake and her breathing started to become uneven.

"Are you ready to get started?"

Hope was laying on her couch watching a show on Netflix when she heard a loud knock at the door, the girl let out a sigh before standing up, grabbing her remote, and pressing pause.

The knocking became louder and more urgent.

"I'm coming!" she called out as she walked towards the door. When she opened it she was honestly shocked at who she saw, Josie was standing there, her eyes glazed over as if she was about to cry.

"Are you okay? is the baby okay?" Hope asked concerned.

Suddenly Josie wrapped her arms around the girl and buried her face in Hopes' neck as she started crying "I couldn't do it."

The auburnette is confused and shocked by Josie's sudden mood change toward her but she decides not to question it and wraps her arms around the girl "couldn't do what?"

"I couldn't go through with it I couldn't get the abortion" she sniffled.

Abortion? Josie went to get an abortion and didn't tell her. Hope sighed and shook her head, now was not the time to question that.

"It's okay, I'm here" she held the girl closer.

After about five minutes of just standing there in each other's embrace, Hope pulled back slightly to look at the girl "why don't you come inside? I can make you some food."

Josie just nodded and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket before walking into Hope's house.

The two were sitting in the living room while Josie ate the sandwiches Hope had made her.

"So what made you change your mind?" the auburnette asked leaning her head on her palm.

"I know it may sound dumb but I've grown a connection with the baby... I know it's barely formed but when you're growing something in you it's just... I don't even know how to describe it... and when the doctor started going over the abortion I just knew I couldn't go through with it."

"Are you mad?"

Hope furrowed her eyebrows "am I mad? why would I be mad."

"I'm basically forcing you into parenthood" she takes a bite of the sandwich.

"You aren't forcing me into anything I wanted to be here, I chose to step up no one is making me, or forcing me into this."

"Hope? I'm home" they heard Hayley's voice before the woman walked into the living room seeing the two on the couch.

"Oh Josie, what are you doing here?" she asked confused.

"She came over to tell me she's keeping the baby," Hope said turning to her mother.

"Oh, okay."

"And I'm more than happy to go get the paternity test for you and Mr.Mikaelson" Josie added.

"We could go get that done today and I could take you girls out to dinner after, if your mother is okay with it of course," Hayley said.

"I'll go ask her now actually," the brunette said standing and making her way out the door.

When Josie left Hayley turned back to her daughter "how does that news make you feel?"

"I'm not gonna lie still terrified" Hope chuckled "but I'm ready to take responsibility."

"If the baby is yours."

"It's mine mom I know it is" she sighed.

"How do you know for sure?"

"We were with each other twenty-four seven, we even switched our room arrangements so we were in the same dorm i know it's mine."

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