Chapter 4

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I'd just like to say this fic is going to have a lot of flashbacks to band camp. When you see the bold letters those are the flashbacks

"Who did this Josette? tell me their name right now!" Lizzie yelled.

"Calm down! you said you wouldn't yell at me!"

"Oh I'm not yelling at you I'm yelling at the moron who did this to you now give me their name!" she growled.

Josie just kept quiet.


"No, because if I tell you, your gonna confront them at school and everyone is going to know!"

"I won't! now tell me."

The brunette sighed and looked down "Hope Mikaelson."

"Hope Mikaelson? as in the girl who sleeps with literally everyone! the Hope Mikaelson whose family moved in next door this summer!"

"I know I'm stupid! and I- wait what moved in-"

Lizzie started walking towards the door with a determined look on her face, this was never a good sign.

"Where are you going??"

The blonde stopped when her hand was on the door handle, she turned to her sister "to kill Hope Mikaelson, where else silly?" she said before walking out.

Josie shot it from her spot on the couch and ran after her sister "Lizzie no! please don't."

Just as Lizzie crossed over to the Mikaelson's yard the brunette grabbed her sister and yanked her back "you can't! if you tell Hope, her parents will find out and then tell our parents and I don't even know if I want to keep it! so you can't tell anyone!"

Noticing how distressed her sister looked the blonde took the girl's hand into her own and walked back to the house with her.

"You're right I'm sorry..." she sighed "let's just get you some food just in case you do keep my niece or nephew, I wouldn't want them starving."

By the time their parents got home Josie, and Lizzie ordered from the mystic grill and was now in there.

"When are you going to tell mom and dad?" Lizzie asked over a bite of cheeseburger.

"Why does everyone keep saying that."

"Probably because you should tell mom and dad."

"They are going to be so disappointed in me Lizzie, I'm just afraid to."

"Yeah, they most definitely will be but they can help you, Josie, you won't have to be alone in any of this."

"I'm not alone I have you."

"Yeah but the more support the better" Lizzie wrapped her arm around her sister. The brunette just laid her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Should I tell Hope... even if I don't keep it, even if she's an ass it's her baby and I'd want to know if I was her."

"If that's what you feel is right then tell her."

"Why does life have to be so complicated" she groaned.

"I don't know... but let's just lay down okay?" Lizzie smiled at her twin before pulling the covers over both of them.

Josie laid her head on her twin's shoulder and closed her eyes, letting sleep find her.

Josie had been at band camp for a little over a week now and she was having a horrible time, all they did was match around playing their instruments in the hot sun while trying to dodge all the bugs.

The brunette was playing her trumpet when she felt a bee sting her arms "ow!" she yelled and dropped her instrument.

Before it could hit the ground two hands caught it. When Josie looked up she was met with the sight of a very pretty auburnette.

"You okay?" she raised an eyebrow and set the trumpet back in the case that was next to the brunette.

"Yeah! I'm good I just got stung by a bee" Josie pouted.

"Let me see,"  the girl said and Josie held out her arm.

The auburnette gently took the girls arm into her hands, inspecting the sting.

"What's the diagnosis?" Josie asked with a smile forming on her face.

"It's looking fatal," she said with a grin.

"I'm Josette, or well Josie that's what everyone calls me.

"It's nice to meet you, Josette, I'm Hope" she smiled.

"Do you mind if I practice with you?" Hope sat next to her and pulled out her saxophone.

"The more the merrier."

They both sat there and played their instruments, Hope sending her glances every now and again.

When Josie and Lizzie walked into school the next day they were met with the sight of Hope Mikaelson kissing a girl by her locker.

"Is that Alyssa Chang" Josie frowned.

"Ignore them, Josette, we are now a Hope-free zone, you see her walking your way you run."

When they turned the hall they were stopped by the fall jock Maya and Penelope were talking about the other day.

"Josie" Jed smiled.

"Oh, hey Jed" she replied kindly.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

Josie glanced at Lizzie "uh sure Jed" she said before hugging her sister, and following the jock.

"What's up?" she crossed her arms over her stomach.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the movies with me," he asked shyly.

The brunette just stood there with her mouth opened, not knowing what to say to the man, this was such a fucked situation how was she supposed to tell a boy who wanted to go on a date with her that she was pregnant?

If Jed found out he would most definitely run just like every normal teenage boy.

"Can I think about it?"

"It's okay Jo... You don't have to say yes ill understand."

"It's not that! I just have a lot going on at the moment..."

"Oh, okay... Well, you can think about it, of course, you can and if you don't want to go out then thags totally fine too no pressure!" he smiled at her before turning to walk away.

As the boy moved she caught sight of Hope still making out with Alyssa.

"Jed wait! Actually, I'd love to go out to the movies with you."

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