Chapter 7

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When Lizzie and Josie walked into the mystic grill to pick up their family's takeout they were getting a lot of looks from people they went to school with.

"Why is everyone staring" the brunette whispered.

"I don't know they are probably looking at you because you're dating Jed."

"Hey! we aren't dating he hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend."

"He took you to a public party with all of his friends I think he made his intentions clear Josette" the blonde rolled her eyes.

"Whatever..." she muttered before they both walked to the front.

"We have an order under Forbes-Salvatore?"

"Yes, I'll be back in just a moment," the woman said going to the back of the restaurant.

Josie sighed and leaned against the counter, putting a hand on her forehead.

"You okay?" the blonde said eyeing her sister.

"Yeah I've just had bad nausea all day, but I'm good," she said before standing back up straight. A moment later the worker came out with their takeout and handed them their food.

"Have a nice day" she said and the twins made their way out to the car where their mother was waiting.

Walking into school the next day
the twins saw everyone's gaze on them just like at the restaurant the night before.

"Okay this is getting weird now..." the brunette said.

"Just ignore them," Lizzie said linking her arm with her sisters and walking down the hall.

When they stopped at Josie's locker to get her books both girls tensed as they heard a passing conversation between two students.

"Did you hear Josie Salvatore is pregnant?" a guy said.

"Yeah I heard it's Hope Mikaelson's baby" the girl added

Lizzie grabbed the guy by the shirt and slammed him against the locker "where did you hear that??" she said as Josie just stood there frozen.

"I heard it from my friend! who heard it from someone in the hall!"

"Who started this rumor!"

"They heard it at some party the other night! I don't know! I just heard it from students!" he replied clearly scared.

Lizzie shot him a glare before letting the boy go who immediately scurried off with his friend.

When the blonde turned to her sister Josie was still standing in the same spot not moving, it didn't even look like she was breathing.

"Jo..." the girl said softly as she approached her sister.

Josie slowly looked up at her sister, her eyes glazing over "t-they know people know."

"It's okay," she said pulling the girl in for a hug.

The brunette rested her chin on the girl's shoulder and looked up slightly catching the gaze of Hope who had just turned the corner and stopped when she saw her.

The auburnette just stared at Josie before opening the doors of the school and walking out presumably off campus.


When Hope walked into her house both of her parents were lounging around the living room, they both looked up at their daughter with furrowed eyebrows.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school love?" Klaus said setting his book down and turning to face his daughter.

"Uh- yeah I was- I just... I couldn't be there right now I..."

Hayley looked at her daughter and saw the girl's hands shaking slightly "what happened, baby?" she asked concerned.

"Nothing nothing I'm good" she closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Did something happen at school?" her mom stood up and walked toward her.

"Something like that..." she trailed off.

The brunette put her arm around her daughter and lead her towards the couch, sitting her in between Klaus and herself.

"Baby tell us what happened" she rubbed her daughter's back.

The auburnette looked down at her hands "uh there's this rumor..." she swallowed "that I got a girl pregnant."

Both Klaus and Hayley just sat there in silence staring at their daughter who was refusing to make eye contact with either of them.

"Well, could this rumor be true?" Klaus said trying to stay as calm as possible.


"Shit Hope," Hayley said running her hand through her hairs

"I don't know if it's true but when I saw her today she looked at me like it was... god I'm so stupid" she shook her head.

Hayley cleared her throat "how long ago did this happen."

"It was a few weeks into Bandcamp... so a couple of months... we did it once."

"With protection?" Klaus asked and his daughter just kept quiet.


"I pulled out! I don't even know how it happened! maybe she slept with one of the other guys at camp and is trying to pin it on me!" the auburnette said finally looking at them.

"That doesn't always work Hope" Klaus shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose "do you know where this girl lives?"

"Next door" she sighed.

"Alright then... today we will go over to her house and talk about this... whole thing and if you feel like this girl is lying, you can get a paternity test."

Hope just sighed and crossed her arms, leaning back further into the couch.

"But if this is your baby Hope and she does decide to keep it, you are taking full responsibility do you hear me?" Hayley said.

"I know mom I will, of course, I will I'm not some deadbeat."

"Good, now go to your room so your father and I can speak privately."

The teen just looked between her parents before getting up and walking down the hall to her room.

Klaus and Hayley just looked at each other.

"It's our fault" Hayley scoffed and shook her head "we didn't teach her enough about protection, it's our fault."

"We gave her condoms she decided not to use them, it's not our fault honey" Klaus wrapped his arm around his wife.

"I just feel like a bad mom... and that poor girl... god" she shook her head.

"Shh love we'll talk about this later right now let's just enjoy the calmness before the storm."

Hayley just nodded and laid her head on her husband's chest.

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