Chapter 49

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Merry Christmas! here's an update ☺️

When Josie woke up she saw her wife looking down at her with a smile on her face "good morning Mrs.Mikaelson" Hope said softly.

"Good morning" she smiled sleepily before leaning up and kissing the woman softly.

"And Merry Christmas..."

"Merry Christmas' she yawned before sitting up "what time is it?" She rubbed her eyes as Hope grabbed her phone and checked.

"It's 7."

"Should we go wake up the twins so they can open their presents?"

"Yes," Hope grinned and crawled out of bed, Josie following right behind her. When they entered the twin's room they saw the babies still sleeping in their cribs, Lucas had one leg hanging out of the bars while Andrea had her arm.

"It's time to get up my sweet babies... Santa came" Josie said rubbing her son's back until the toddler stretched his small body and looked up at her with a tired smile.

Josie picked up a tired Lucas who clung to her while Hope did the same with Andrea.

"I told Santa you two were so good... and he brought you so many toys," the brunette said walking out of the room with Hope. The four made their way down to the living room where a lit-up tree with over two dozen presents was.

The twins sleepy eyes suddenly widened at the sight of all the presents. Lucas started pointing at the presents and Hope and Josie smiled before putting the babies down.

Both babies walked over to the presents and picked one up "mommy!" Andrea said holding out a gift to Josie.

The brunette took the gift and read the name on it "that's for your brother baby" she said handing it to Lucas "open it bubba."

Lucas tore off the wrapping paper with the help of Hope and smiled when he saw a teddy bear he had been asking his moms for "momma mommy!" He held it up.

The rest of the morning was spent opening tons of gifts Josie and Hope got for their children along with some their families sent for them.

Later that day they made their way over to Carolines for Christmas dinner, the blonde insisted they come over so the two of course agreed.

"My babies," Lizzie said picking up the twins in both of her arms and hugging them tightly before setting them down.

"Hey Jo, hey mut," Lizzie said hugging the two.

"Hey, Lizzie" Hope hugged back and rolled her eyes.

"Stop fighting and come eat, I just finished dinner" Caroline ushered them into the kitchen.

Stefan picked up the two little ones and put them in highchairs before taking his seat next to his wife who smiled at him.

"I just wanted to say thank you for coming over, I know you two are practically married and have other family but I appreciate you spending Christmas with us, we love you guys so much," Caroline said and Josie smiled at her mother before leaning over and hugging her mom.

"Food!" Lucas whined and kicked his feet.

They didn't end up getting finished at Caroline's until around midnight. The twins had fallen asleep in their car seats by the time they had made it back home.

The two parents put their children in their beds before making their way back to their bedroom where they plopped down and let out tired sighs.

"I'm exhausted' Hope said burying her face in the brunette's neck.

"No sleeping yet" Josie sat up and looked at the clock "Christmas ends in 10 minutes and I still have 1 more gift for you."

"That 2,000 dollar watch you got me is enough baby" Hope chuckled and sat up.

Josie walked over to her dresser and grabbed a phone-shaped box out and handed it to her wife who took it and looked at it.

"Hm, I wonder what this could be" Hope shook the box hearing something hitting the walls of the box.

Josie bit her lip as she watched Hope open the box. The auburnette looked down at the gift in the box before looking up at her wife with wide eyes "oh god really?"

The brunette nodded as she looked down at the positive pregnancy test in the box.

Hope got up and hugged her wife "when did this happen" she said stroking the brunette's hair.

"I'm not that far along but it happened in the locker room at my work' she pulled back and looked at her wife who looked at her.

"The damn locker room..."

"Are you mad?"

"What? Baby no I'm not mad, just surprised is all, I thought we were going to be done at two babies."

"I know I did too, but we can handle this we handle everything."

Hope smiled and leaned her forehead against Josies "we do."

"Don't tell any of our families just in case something happens..."

"Hiding the fact that we are married and you are pregnant... our families are going to have fun with this."

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