Chapter 42

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When Hope and Josie got back to Mystic falls after their thanksgiving trip their life went back to Jobs, college, and taking care of their children.

"Mommy!" Lucas said holding up his teddy bear.

"For me?" Josie smiled "thank you, baby," she said taking the teddy bear from him.

"You two go over here and play while I wake up your momma," Josie said taking their hands and leading them over to the pile of toys that was in a corner of the living room.

When she saw the twins get distracted with their toys the brunette made her way into her and Hope's room where she saw the girl laying down in their bed still naked from last night's activities.

"Time to get up baby you have work" Josie whispered in her girlfriend's ear before placing a kiss on the girl's bare shoulder.

Hope mumbled in response.

Josie smirked and pinched Hope's butt which seemed to get the girl to open her eyes "oh so that works but not me saying get up?" she chuckled.

Hope smirked before turning over "what time is it."

"9 which means you, my love need to get up and get ready," the brunette said smiling. Hope sighed and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist pulling her closer.

"You sure I can't just stay with you all day?" the shorter girl said looking up at her.

"As much as I could love that, you are so close to finishing school and becoming an art teacher so you've got to go," Josie said rubbing her hands through Hopes' hair.

Hope hummed and closed her eyes "what are the twins doing?"

"I left them in the living room playing with toys but knowing them they are probably tearing up the house now" she chucked before standing back so Hope could get out of bed.

The auburnette over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on before making her way into their bathroom where she started getting ready.

Once Hope finished brushing her teeth she took out a pair of jeans and put them on along with her black V-neck shirt.

When she walked into the living room she saw Josie on the floor with the twins playing dolls with them.

When Andrea looked up from her toy and saw her mom she grinned, showing her incoming teeth. The little girl got up and went to Hope who picked her up and kissed her.

"Good morning."

"Toy momma?"

"Momma can't play right now I'm so sorry little one, but as soon as I get home from work I'll play with you okay?"

The girl pouted but nodded anyways.

Hope set her daughter down before kissing her son's cheek and giving Josie a long kiss on the mouth.

"I've got to go, I love you."

"I love you too."

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