Chapter 3

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Josie stood in front of the
doctor's office scared to go in, she had told her parents she was going to band practice after school but in reality, the girl was going to get a checkup on her baby.

The took a deep breath before she walked into the office and slowly went toward the receptionist.

The woman looked up at her "name?" she grabbed a pen.

"Josette Forbes-Salvatore" she tapped her hand against her side.

"You can take a seat doctor dye will be with you shortly" she smiled at her. Josie nodded at the woman before taking a seat in the waiting room next to a woman and her baby.

About ten minutes later when she was the only one left in the waiting room the nurse had finally come out and called her name.

"Josette Forbes-Salvatore?" she read from her clipboard and looked up to Josie.

The brunette nodded before grabbing her bag and following the lady back to one of the exam rooms.

"Unfortunately Dr.Dye is held up with something at the moment but we have one of our other doctors coming to help you, she's one of the best."

"Okay thank you," Josie said sitting at the exam table.

The woman nodded before walking out of the room leaving Josie there with her thoughts.

The brunette's gaze strayed around the room, looking at all the health posters of babies, it only made her more scared.

"Hi I'm Dr.Salvatore, I wasn't told your name I was just handed a file two seconds ago so let me read..." her voice suddenly trailed off when she looked up at Josie.

"Aunt Elena" the girl's eyes widened.

"Josie?" she closed the room door "what are you doing here honey?" the doctor set the file down.

"Uh, it's nothing" Josie shook her head and looked down at her hands.

"Well you came to a doctor's office so something is wrong, do your parents know you're here?"

"No, they think I'm at band practice."

"What's wrong sweetie."

Josie just closed her eyes and shook her head, refusing to answer her Aunt's question.

"If I told you, you would just tell me parents and I don't feel like being yelled at right now."

"I promise whatever happens in here will not leave this door, yes I'm your Aunt but I'm also a doctor, I'm not allowed to give out patient's information even if we are family so please sweetie be honest with me."

When Josie opened her eyes and looked at her Aunt, the woman saw tears coming out of the teen's eyes.

"Oh honey" Elena wrapped her arms around Josie and held her "what's going on."

"I'm pregnant" she choked out.

Elena tensed for a moment before she started rubbing Josie's back "how far along are you?"

"Uh-" the brunette pulled back and wiped her eyes "three months? I think. it happened at the beginning of summer."

"Well, let's just check you out okay? you might not even be pregnant it could be something saying you are, or even a false positive" Elena said.

"Pregnancy tests are only wrong like five percent of the time" Josie pointed out.

"You could be that five percent, so let's just make sure and do a sonogram okay?"

Josie just nodded, even though she knew she was pregnant there was no doubt in her mind.

The woman started up the sonogram machine and grabbed the gel before gesturing for the brunette to lift her shirt. Once it was lifted Elena put some gel on the girl's stomach.

"Everything will be okay, regardless of what we see on the screen okay?"

Josie nodded.

Elena gave her a small smile before she ran the sensor over the girl's abdomen, Josie looked over at the screen not knowing what she was looking at.

The woman sighed "yeah you're definitely pregnant, I'm seeing a baby right there" she pointed.

Josie looked over at the small baby on the screen.

"What am I supposed to do..."

"Well, first of all, I do think you should tell your parents, and maybe tell the father of the baby if he doesn't know already."

"The baby's other parent won't care" the brunette shook her head.

"Tell your parents I hate lying to them okay? they won't be as mad as you think, they'll just want to kill whoever did this to you."

"I know I will eventually, I still don't know what I want to do... if I want to keep it... or if I want to..." she trailed off.

"Which is why you should tell someone, it might make your decision easier honey."

"I think I'm going to tell Lizzie..."

"You have about a month or so before you start showing, you need to tell them before then, but until that time I will be here no matter what you need okay?" Elena rubbed the girl's back.

"Thank you, Aunt Elena."

"You're welcome kiddo, I should probably go now I have a few patients I need to go check on."

Josie nodded and the woman walked out.

When Josie walked into her house that evening the house was empty besides her sister Lizzie who was on the couch watching one of her romcoms.

"Mom and dad went out on a dinner date they left us money to order out" the blonde called out from the couch.

Josie set her bag down in the hall before joining her sister on the couch.

"You look horrible, bad band practice?"

"You could say that" the brunette mumbled.

"Here I'll give you twin cuddles, that will make you feel better."

"No Lizzie I don't think-" the blonde cut her off by wrapping her arms around her, and Josie had to admit it was making her feel a bit better.

They haven't done twin cuddles in a while, with highschool they thought it was for babies but every once in and while it comes in handy to calm one of them down.

"Are you crying?" Lizzie pulled back a bit.

"What?" Josie felt her face and she was in fact crying, she didn't even realize it.

"What happened? did you get kicked out of band or something?"

"No" Josie sniffled.

"What's wrong Jo."

"I have to tell you something please don't be mad at me."

Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her sister who looked so scared and vulnerable at this moment.

Thoughts on this chapter? any theories about the future? ☺️

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