Chapter 31

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2 Years Later...

A lot has happened in the past two years. Hope and Josie had officially started dating a couple of days after the brunette had first told her she loved her.

The twins had just turned two and were already walking and talking like four-year-olds which still amazed Hope and Josie.

Their children were also developing personalities. Lucas was a kind and gentle little boy while Andrea was their little troublemaker that hated listening to anyone but Hope.

Hope and Josie were also attending a local college while both doing internships. Hope was helping out at the Salvatore school in hopes of becoming an art teacher there while Josie was helping out at mystic falls general, she wanted to be a doctor.

"It's time to get up baby" Josie whispered against her bare skin.

"5 more minutes" Hope buried her face in her pillow.

"We have two toddlers at the door."

"What? no we don't, they are in bed."

A moment later they heard small hands hitting the door "mommy!" they heard Lucas says followed by Andrea saying "wate up."

Hope looked at her in amazement "how did you-"

"My mom senses were tingling" she giggled before throwing the covers off of herself and putting on a baggy shirt and a pair of Hopes boxers.

When the brunette opened the door the two toddlers immediately hugged her legs.

"How long have you two been up?" Josie said stroking their heads.

They both kept quiet and just looked up at their mom.

"I'm guessing that isn't a good sign," she said before looking at Hope who got out of bed and picked up Andrea.

"Let's go see the mess you two made today," she said tickling her daughter's side and causing her to shriek.

The brunette picked up their son and they both made their way into the kitchen. As soon as they entered they noticed all the pans and pots taken out of the cabinets and stacked on top of each other "what were you guys trying to make..." Hope said tilting her head.

"Catle!" Lucas pointed.

"Catle" Andrea repeated. Josie laughed and kissed Lucas's cheek before putting him in his highchair.

"No more playing with the pots and pans, if I see these out one more time I'm going to introduce you two to timeout," Hope said putting Andrea in her highchair.

"Okay I'll make them breakfast you get-" Josie started but was cut off when Hope's phone started ringing. This had been happening a lot recently.

"Shit, it's work I have to take this" Hope said before answering her phone "hey," she said walking into the other room.

Josie just sighed before opening their fridge and pulling out two apple sauce pouches and handing it to her toddlers.

"Mommy want?" Lucas held his pouch. Josie placed a small kiss on his cheek "I'm okay, but thank you, my love."

About ten minutes later Hope came out of the bedroom dressed in her work clothes "I'm sorry, I've got to go in early today, we are doing Art projects with the kids today and they need me to help set up some of the materials."

Josie sighed and looked up at her girlfriend "okay" she pouted.

"Don't pout, it gets me every time" Hope wrapped her arms around Josie's waist and pulled the girl closer.

"I just don't understand why you have to work all the time..."

"This is an internship baby... they call me when they need something done... this is going to bring me one step closer to becoming an Art teacher."

Josie nodded and wrapped her arms around Hope "alright."

"I love you..." she said placing a slow kiss on the girl's mouth.

"Yucky!" Andrea said and threw her applesauce on the ground.

Hope pulled back and smiled at Josie before looking at their children "goodbye little ones momma will be back soon" she said kissing their heads before grabbing her car keys and walking out.

When the twins were both fed and changed Josie put them in their car seats and made her way over to her parent's house where her twin was still living.

As soon as she parked the car Lizzie came out of the house with a smile on her face "where are my favorite godchildren" the blonde said making her way to the back where she unblocked them both and helped them climb down the seat.

"What good student?" Andrea looked up at her Aunt.

"Well sweetie basically if your moms died I would-"

Josie immediately hit her sister in the shoulder to shut her up "don't you dare" the brunette warned before picking up Lucas.

Lizzie just rolled her eyes and followed Josie into the house with Andrea in her arms who was already squirming to get free.

"So why aren't you with Hope today? I thought you two wanted to have a family day or whatever" Lizzie set the toddler down who immediately ran over to the toy bin she and her brother had at their grandparent's house.

"She had to work again."

"Again...? hmm," Lizzie said thinking before shaking her head and making her way over to the fridge, pulling out water.

"What?" Josie said noticing the face her sister made.

"Nothing nothing..."

"Tell me."

"You aren't going to like what I have to say," the blonde said taking a sip of her water.

"Tell me" the girl rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure she isn't like... cheating on you?" Lizzie said sitting down across from her sister.

"What?" Josie laughed "why would you even suggest that? she's not cheating she loves me."

"I don't know... she is always getting phone calls... and is leaving randomly it makes sense."

"She wouldn't..." the brunette shook her head.

"You know what forget what I said, I'm probably overthinking things" Lizzie waved her off before going to the pantry and getting some snacks for the twins.

Well, that was hard now Josie couldn't get the thought out of her mind. Would Hope cheat on her?

🤭 thoughts? feelings?

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