Chapter 23 🎄😏

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This is very much just a laid back family bonding chapter... with a little bit of spice 🤭

Also this is my longest chapter yet! nearly 3,000 words!

I hope you enjoy! if you aren't following me follow me!

On the day of Christmas eve, everyone in the Mikaelson cabin was in the Christmas spirit. They always took Christmas to a next level so when Josie woke up seeing the whole house decorated with lights and ornaments she was quite shocked.

"Did Santa throw up in here or something?" Lizzie looked around as she and her twin made their way out of the guest room.

"Nope, this is the result of my mom and Aunt Rebekah spending time together, they both love Christmas a lot they did this while everyone was asleep" Hope chuckled as she took a sip of her coffee and looked around the room.

"What are the plans today?" Josie said sitting next to Hope and taking the girl's coffee, taking a sip of it.

"Well we-" before Hope could say anymore Rebekah cut in.

"I'm glad you asked, I've set up our whole day," she said marching into the kitchen and handing the girls a paper with the schedule on it.

"At 10 we will all be leaving for a winter festival that's being held, Henrik wants to meet some reindeer, and once that's done at about 12, we will head over to this cafe nearby and have lunch, then at 3 we will come back here and make cookies, and at 6 we will leave the house and go see the Christmas light! then when we come back everyone will eat dinner get in their matching pajamas and we will watch Christmas movies."

"That sounds-" Josie began.

"A little too much?" Hope said.

"I was going to say amazing actually" the brunette rolled her eyes at Hope before bumping their shoulders together playfully.

"That's the spirit Josette" Rebekah smiled before walking into the hallway "everyone gets up! it's wake-up time" she yelled to her remaining family members.

"Must you be so loud!" Klaus said opening his door, revealing Hayley and himself.

"It is uncalled for sister," Elijah said walking out of his room and buttoning up his shirt. 

"Yes I must, we have an eventful day everyone gets dressed we leave in an hour!"

"I get to see reindeer!" Henrik cheered.

At exactly ten Rebekah forced everyone out of the house and into the big van she had rented to fit thirteen people. Josie climbed into the van and took a seat next to Hope, giving her a small smile which the girl returned.

"Can you start the bloody car" Klaus complained as he got in the back with everyone else while Rebekah and her husband marcel sat in the front.

"So impatient" the blonde rolled her eyes "is Henrik bucked up in his car seat?"

"I am mommy! Hopey did it" the boy said happily. Rebekah nodded before starting the van and driving off.


About an hour later they made it to the winter festival. Snow was falling from the sky, people were everywhere bundled up in their coats.

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